I have exhausted my own knowledge on this. My tank has been up and running with live rock in it for like a month and a half now. And yet,, the water levels don't seem to be changing. My nitrite is 0, nitrate is fluctuating between o and 10 ppm, ammonia is about 30 ppm, and ph is fluctuatong between 8.0 and 8.3... It hasn;t chnged dramatically, or even subtely as far as I know at all.. And the real wierd thing is now there is brown, ish slimey algae growing in there. It is not exposed to excessive sunlight and the water i used from my sink was tested and ok'd by my LFS.... Is my test kit broken, or don i need to do something else? the filtration I have is an under the tank wet dry with a carbon/mechanical filter, bio balls, and a protien skimmer... I have a 46 gallon aquarium and 45 lbs of live rock... Anybody have a guess?