What anemone to get?


Bulb tentacle sea anemone is the hardiest anemone and yet is still beautiful. I suggest this because it live long and is easy to care for.


Active Member
Under the correct environment, lighting, tank maturity, water chemistry and user knowledge... yes the bubble tip, bulb tip, E. Quadricolor anemone is among the hardiest. Although their difficulty levels start at difficult and go up from there depending on species.

bang guy

Originally Posted by PerfectDark
12" or so is not uncommon. I believe I heard somewhere that someones specimen reached 14" thats big for a BTA.
This one is from a tank I help maintain. It wouldn't fit in a 29 gallon tank but it is an extreme exception.


Originally Posted by meeks101
Bulb tentacle sea anemone is the hardiest anemone and yet is still beautiful. I suggest this because it live long and is easy to care for.
i think you mean bubble tip, the bulb nem is different i have one is a gyrostoma quadrcolor (SP?) but i dont know much info on it. i bought it here on swf.com maybe Perfect Dark knows


Active Member
Im not sure myself, there is very little information on G. Quadricolor. Looking at SWF pics of the animal 2 appear to be similar to glass anemones while one looks much like a bubble tip anemone. I have seen many many sources mix the name bubble tip and bulb tip and both are meant to describe E. Quadricolor. Sorry I couldnt be more help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coastie5685
What to feed the bubble tip anemone? what specific lighting requirements to they need?
They all require high lighting... this question is better answered by first knowing what tank size you have. PC Lighting is marginal on a tank more than 12" in height. And I would still recommend ample amounts of wattage even at that height. Like 6 or 7 per gallon... anything greater in height than 12" IMO HO-T5's or Metal halide, anything greater than 24" in height Metal halides only.
Direct feeding is optional with a bta although some will argue this. Directional feedings are welcomed meaning letting the current carry small particles of food into the anemone. While occasional direct spot feedings will not hurt, frequent spot feedings can be stressful. Directional feeding, I would recommend a food like Mysis shrimp and cyclops they are good supplemental foods, the exoskeletons of pods and other microfauna inverts are very beneficial to them. HTH


New Member
I agree with the other folks . . . bubble tip is the way to go. I bought mine a year ago and have had great success. I also added two clark's clowns that have jumped right in! The BTA recently divided and now I have two! I have fed them direct feedings quite often. I've used small pieces of scallops and even small pieces of krill. It (They) seem to devour each meal quite quickly. I have them in a RedSea Max 34-gallon system.