What Anenome Do I Buy?


I have two percula clown fish. See pic of tank below. I want to purchase another Anenome because that white one with purple tips is not something they are interested in. Please help. Whats the name of the one that they like?



Originally Posted by alersc
I have two percula clown fish. See pic of tank below. I want to purchase another Anenome because that white one with purple tips is not something they are interested in. Please help. Whats the name of the one that they like?

its hit or miss when it comes to a clown hosting, the most common anemones they host are BTA or LTA


Thanks John but what is that? If I'm trying to look it up on Saltwaterfish.com for example, what would be the name that I would look up?


BTA - Bubble Tip Anemone or Rose Anemone which is the same thing, but different color.
LTA - i think it is Long Tentacle Anemone


looks like a bleached condilactus anemone also called a haiten anemone. they arent really clown hosters though.
BTW just as a side note a sign of a sick anemone is a white one and they should be avoided.


Active Member
What type of lighting do you have? Although you may have purchased an unhealthy(bleached) anemone with proper lighting it should regain its zoantha (beneficial algae that grows inside its tenticles).
My worry is that no matter what anemone you buy if you do not have the proper environment for it (good lighting) it will die within a few months.


Active Member
Just a guess but it looks like a new set up, diatom bloom still aparent, stock cube lights, damsels in there (just a guess, have been used for cycling)
Its prob not a good prognosis for your anemone you have in there right now. I think its no longer a matter of if, but more like when it dies be prepared to remove it quickly. To help further, look into upgrading your lights, let your tank mature more. Research anemones and learn about their care and needs. They all have specific requirements but as a general rule they all need high lighting dispite what LFS might be telling you. HTH Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Just a guess but it looks like a new set up, diatom bloom still aparent, stock cube lights, damsels in there (just a guess, have been used for cycling)
Its prob not a good prognosis for your anemone you have in there right now. I think its no longer a matter of if, but more like when it dies be prepared to remove it quickly. To help further, look into upgrading your lights, let your tank mature more. Research anemones and learn about their care and needs. They all have specific requirements but as a general rule they all need high lighting dispite what LFS might be telling you. HTH Good luck.
Hey don't knock damsels, i have two in my tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Alersc, tell us more about your tank.
How old is it? What size is it? Filtration? Lighting? Circulation?
His other post states its a 3 week old biocube... no modifications mentioned.. but I guess that doesnt mean there arent any...