What anenome should i get?


New Member
I want to get an anemoe for the tank soon but am not sure what to get. I want to get some percula clowns to go with it as well. I have heard thank only carpet anenomes will host the percula clown. I was thinking of a Green Carpet Anenome. Is this a good choice? What other anenomes will work well with the percula clowns??


Active Member
What kind of lighting do you have, and what are you looking for the anemone to do. Unitl recently I had a ritteri that my percs loved. He climbed the glass got burned on my heater. Split, then did it again, and then all the little ritteri died. Great looking anemone, just wish I could have moved him to my 90 before touched that heater.


In response, you need special lighting, a regular Flo strip won't do. I bought a pink tipped anenome and then a retro 100 watt 50/50 part being 7100k daylight PC other actinic lighting system for my FOWLR just for it. It's doing very well. Just buy lighting to help falcilitate it's health then your good to go. Clowns like long tenicaled anenomes, at least my does


Jsut to let you know, carpet anemones are one of the hardest anemones to keep alive, so if your jsut starting, I would start wiht a cheeper and easer to keep anemone.


Active Member
carptes, IMO, are not the hardest to kep, BUT are very aggressive and grow very large.
As for which one to get, I do not fell any anemone belongs in a tank, esp in a beginners tank. They are way too delicate adn rarely live long. And if somebody needs to ask any questions aboutthem. Which one? How do I? Can I? or any question. Then it shoulc be passed on, for they are hard enough for experienced reef keepers to keep in mature tanks.


Active Member
is there such a thing as a low light anomie? like a 2 watts per gallon, low lighting maybe less? are rock anomies low light?
I keep mines at a very low light but im upgrading soon but dont know, IMO for the first anemone I would choose and I did choose a condy, very inexpensive and they dont have the strong sting and you can even hold it in your hand to place it somewhere.



Originally posted by entice59
is there such a thing as a low light anomie? like a 2 watts per gallon, low lighting maybe less? are rock anomies low light?

Jack up those nitrates, and start a good Aptasia farm! High Light/Low Light, whatever! You can't kill those things!
AS for the desirable anemones? I can't think of any that work in low light.
Perhaps a curleyque/corkscrew anemone.



Originally posted by QUENITOR
I want to get an anemoe for the tank soon but am not sure what to get. I want to get some percula clowns to go with it as well. I have heard thank only carpet anenomes will host the percula clown. I was thinking of a Green Carpet Anenome. Is this a good choice? What other anenomes will work well with the percula clowns??

I recommend you get Dr. Ron Schimeks "Host Anemone Secrets", and anything else you can find to read about anemones. There isn't an endless supply of these animals in the world, so its best to arm yourself with knowledge before you start. I know I tried keeping a few about 10 years ago without any knowledge about food and light requirements. They all died.
These days I'm having pretty good success with BTA's now that I know some basic techniques.
I have heard that the true host of a percula is the Ritteri anemone. Often clowns will find a substitute host, so if your tank isn't equipped to sustain an anemone, your clown might be just as happy with something else. And keep in mind those carpet anemones can get HUGE!
Keep researching and Good luck!