I have a 14g biocube with 150 mh. I have some mushrooms and plan on adding more coarls. Would it be possible to add an anenome if so what would be best for my clowns? What food and care are needed as well? Thanks for the help
Originally Posted by awilliams4806 http:///forum/post/2593763
I have a 14g biocube with 150 mh. I have some mushrooms and plan on adding more coarls. Would it be possible to add an anenome if so what would be best for my clowns? What food and care are needed as well? Thanks for the help
Wow, that's a lot of light. How are you going to handle the heat? I have a 14 biocube with 2 36 watt T5 fixtures and I have 1 maroon clown and a gbta. Most will tell you that's too much to keep in such a small tank but I'd say if you do get an anemone w/2 fish don't add much more in the way of corals.
Can't advise you as to what kind of anemone if I don't know what kind of clowns you have.
Natural host or true parcula are Magnificent Anemone (common name Ritteri), Shodactyla gigantea (common name Giant Carpet Anemone) and Heteractis crispa (common name Purple Long Tentacle Anemone) Links to profiles: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/in...a/anemones.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/in...tmagnifica.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/macrodoreensis.htm
The giant carpet is a bad choice due to space. The magnificent does not do well generally well in aquariums and the long tentacle looks to be the best choice of the three, it requires to foot in a bed fine sand. Just want to let you know that these are the natural host for perculas they have been known to host the bta. My brother has a false percula hosting in a rose, and I have a pair of ocellaris hosting a rose. Btas are considered the easiest to keep all anemones. There you go and you can make up your mind. By the way I am in Chicago, I am jealous, it pretty cold here, going to be in the 30's tonight, burrrrr. Good luck and when you get one lets see some photos. : )
IMO most anemones would not be the best choice. They tend to wander a bit, and could sting anything in their path. In a 14gal they don't have to move far before they hit something.
Not to say it can't be done, but just keep an eye on it. Lighting sounds fine, but they like meaty foods occasionally too.