What animals clean the sand in the tank ?


New Member
I have been reading around on this site and people have been saying little critters. What are little critters or what are the things that i should have in my tank to clean the sand.


New Member
ok, great thanks. Do u no what a over flow box is for and how it works and when do u need it ? Thought it would be better to add to this then start a new thread.


Originally Posted by Deathrow
ok, great thanks. Do u no what a over flow box is for and how it works and when do u need it ? Thought it would be better to add to this then start a new thread.

not me...
sorry man,
I'm new to this stuff too,

(I just happen to be up all night at work)


You need to head over to the sticky thread fo rmore information.
The overflow box is what starts the water flowing from your main tank to the filter/sump below.
As for critters, there are many to choose, so choose wisely.
Hermits, Snails, help but some others are sand cleaning specific, like conches, cucumbers, nassarius snails, stars. But they need to be compatible with your tank.
read, some of the sticky threads and you will know what this is all about.


I like Nassarius snails for my sand. They're pretty interesting as they rise from the sand when some meat bits flow into the tank.... its like an army descdending upon its prey!


Originally Posted by KrautBurner
not me...
sorry man,
I'm new to this stuff too,

(I just happen to be up all night at work)

FrautBurner your avatar is great....

nano reefer

Active Member
OK. On the right side of this page, under the coral section click on "reef packages" those are all tank cleaners. Running a search would have answered this. The search bar is up top right below where it says your user name.

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by Deathrow
ok, great thanks. Do u no what a over flow box is for and how it works and when do u need it ? Thought it would be better to add to this then start a new thread.
Nice to not start a new thread. run a search either on this site or google it. Overflows are not neccessary depending on your tank site, but are the best choice.


New Member
Thanks guys, sorry if this was wrong thread or if i didn't search enough before i posted. But i was tired after reading that 101 tips for saltwater tanks.


Originally Posted by Tarball
FrautBurner your avatar is great....

thanks man,
my gto purges the nitrous through the hood scoups too

sorry for the threadjack

back on topic,
it's definately alot of information to sort thru for a newb (like me)
I'm planning on doing more research tonight (lighting, refugium, possibly bio balls in my overflow, ect...) nothing really decided yet.