What aquarium background does everyone use?


Active Member
Just wondering what background everyone uses...I was at a LFS today with the intent on buying 3 feet of black background for my tank until I found out it costs $4 a foot(canadian) and I needed 3 feet. There was no way in hell i was paying $12 for 3 feet of plastic. Anyway, I thought of painting the tank...but that would be too messy..then my girlfriend suggested i use black bristle board...ya know, the kind of stuff kids do school assignments and presentations on? Anyway, I bought 2 sheets of it for $2.05 tax in and cut it to size and it looks perfect. WHat does everyone else use?


New Member
i have a 55 and used my kids black poster paper but if you don't have a seald top then u might concerder something else

kevin r.

In the past I have used shelf paper (The kind you use to line your kitchen drawers) It's real cheap and comes in various solid colors and patterns. If it's the adhesive kind, don't remove the film, place the colored side to the glass and tape in place.
I spend so much money with this hobby $12 isn't much. Anyways I have the light blue backround that gets darker as it gets to the bottom. I would have probly spent $12 anyway after I've made all the misstakes I make!


It's a permanent move, but I paint mine black. It gets covered with LR and stuff really shows colors against the black background.


Active Member
I bought black canvas and put it up with velcro strips on top and bottom where they don't show, so I can change it later if I want to. I hate seeing cords etc hanging off my tank.


Active Member
nothing right now... In the past i have used the traditional blue background, and foil wrapping paper that was gold, silver and had a deep purple swirled into it. I crinkled it up and it gave the tank a very interesting look.


one i s painted blue, one is painted black, one will be a hex in the middle of the room, i want to put some corrugated pvc panneling in one and then let it get covered in algae and coraline so it will look very industial........but whatever floats your boat

mr . salty

Active Member
Why not spend the $12 on this when you will easily have a thousand invested in the tank within a couple years.Plus once the tank is setup,changing the background because you skimped at the start WILL be a pain in the @$$...I have allways used self adhesive vinyl backing...It looks the best,and lasts forever.Plus nosalt creep or streaks can get between it and the glass...

nm reef

Active Member
I use black felt cloth....attached with double sided tape. Easy to remove...washable...cheap...and it hides the cords. Plus the black sets off the color and sort of provides some depth. :cool:


I got the black, on one side, deep navy on the other side plastic sheeting...the girls a one of the LFS gave it to me.. :) ..(I think cause she was trying to sell me this real expensive tang, which I didnt buy), so I kinda lucked out....But I would have spent the $$ on it anyway..I hate the power cords showing, and the sheeting doesnt show the salt..


black poster board - no problems yet with salt creep or getting wet. It really shows off the color of the fish and I thought that blue wouldn't show off my hippo as well.


New Member
I used blue spray paint. It worked perfectly. Looks profesional too. Make sure you cover what you don't want painted.


nothing...figure eventually the LR will cover most of the back area; if you view from the side though, it owuld look like a solid green thin matt covers it; but if you view from the front, you can see the back wall...


Blue wrapping paper behind the 90g (this was really cheap $2.99) and nothing behind the 20g.
I have used in the past on these and other tanks, the backing you buy at the LFS, felt, foil, mirror, shelf liner, and poster board.