What aquarium background does everyone use?


my friend owns his own photography business. he blew up this nice sunset pic i took on a cruise last year. kinda looks weird while the lights are on, but when the lights are off it is neat. here are a couple pics so you can see what i mean. (btw, they are old pics)
before i hung it up:

lights on (kinda a bad pic):

lights off (notice how it kinda matches my wall):

kinda original...but i like the look and it was free :)


You're right, looks better with the lights off. :D But that is a cool pic.
I had gotten a background that looks like a reef.
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/bammbamm74/fishtank1.html" target="_blank">www.geocities.com/bammbamm74/fishtank1.html</a>


I have black paint on the back of my 90. It is a very good contrast to the colors of the inhabitants, as mentioned above.
Plus, it's kind of moody... ;)


Our tank came with a mirrored back which we were not sure we would like but now we love it. We are able to see the reflection of the backside of our rock and corals. The fish were a little confused at first (seeing their reflection) but are now used to it. :p


I use poster board. Have tried many colors (red, black, green, yellow) and am now using blue. I like the poster board, because I can change colors (and I do about once per month) for a new look and not spend much money.