What are the best fish to put in a fish only tank?


Hi I am new to this site and I want to start my own saltwater aquarium! I have a biocube 29 with live sand and I have instant reef coral and natures image coral. I don't know what fish I can put in a "fish only tank" and I really want to start putting some hardy fish in 2 to help me cycle my tank. thx


Active Member
Ghost feed the tank to cycle. Don't use live fish. Test ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate when the bioload zeros all numbers and you are sill able to ghost feed without the numbers rising then you are ready to add a fish.


thanks but also when the tank is fully cycled, what easy leveled fish could I add that are best for "fish only" aquariums?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mersam935 http:///t/389426/what-are-the-best-fish-to-put-in-a-fish-only-tank#post_3441692
thanks but also when the tank is fully cycled, what easy leveled fish could I add that are best for "fish only" aquariums?
I would suggest to get a book "101 Marine Fishes". There is a ton of useful information that can help you decide what to put in your tank. The fish additions depend on what you like as well as what will be able to thrive in a 29 gallon tank. The tank is a nano tank and this will limit the number of fish that you will be able to put in the tank. You can look in the nano tank section of the forum and look at some of the fish that other hobbyists have in the same tank.


Some fish that would work:
Ocellaris or Percula Clownfish (you could do a pair)
Coral Beauty Angelfish
numerous types of gobies (pick just one species)
BiColor or TailSpot Blenny
Yellow Assessor
Fridmani Dottyback
Royal Gramma
My suggestion would be to look at some fish and decide what you like the look of. Even if you find something that really will grow to large for your tank, if you let us know you like it, then we might be able to help you find something similar that will fit in your tank.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/389426/what-are-the-best-fish-to-put-in-a-fish-only-tank#post_3441721
Some fish that would work:
Ocellaris or Percula Clownfish (you could do a pair)
Coral Beauty Angelfish
numerous types of gobies (pick just one species)
BiColor or TailSpot Blenny
Yellow Assessor
Fridmani Dottyback
Royal Gramma
My suggestion would be to look at some fish and decide what you like the look of. Even if you find something that really will grow to large for your tank, if you let us know you like it, then we might be able to help you find something similar that will fit in your tank.
+1...great choices for sure.


ok so what about
2 Ocellaris Clownfish
2 Zebra Dartfish
1 Coral Beauty
1 TailSpot Blenny
1 Yellow Assesor
1 Royal Gramma
Is that good? or is it overstocked? and is it good for fish only tank?(NO LIVE ROCK EITHER)


ok what would be the best group out of all of those fish and are ocellaris clown fish aggresive? because I read somewhere that they are :(


If you're not planning on ANY live rock in the tank, I don't recommend a Coral Beauty, or any dwarf angel for that matter, nor a blenny. These fish graze on algae on the rocks all day. The really need the live rock in order to thrive.
I would also nix the Assessor if you're not doing live rock. They like to weave in and out of rock work.
Is there any reason you don't want to do any live rock?


Well a local fish store that I went to said that there was no reason to put live rock but
I guess I will because I really want a coral beauty. and does all of it have to be live rock because I want my tank to be colorful with the artificial coral I bought also.


OK so im going to have live rock but my list is overstocked so what do you guys think are the best most peaceful group on my list and for a 30 gallon?

mr. limpid

Active Member
My opinion;
1 coral beauty
1 ocellaris clown (2 will get more aggressive when nesting)
2 Zebra Dartfish
1 Yellow Assesor
+ snails CUC