What are the Best supplements for Reef tanks?

kat 4

I was just wondering if anyone could share their best supplemental schedule. I think that is the hardest part for me in keeping the reef tank. Currently I use aragamilk daily, zoe twice a week, vita chem in food and once per week, extreme garlic in food daily, essential elements once per week , and coral vit once a week. We have a 75 gallon reef with megaflow overflow sump. Am I missing anything or adding too much of anything?

kat 4

Can Anyone Help?? I just lost an acropora (it was under metal halides) and I keep wondering if too many vitamins are in the water???


Active Member
Quite a load you've got there. I would assume you're also not testing for everything you're adding.
I only do water changes and add calcium/alk buffer only for corrections, not on a set schedule. Simple water changes would replenish the used elements and minerals.


Active Member
Here's the best schedule I know of (and it conforms to most tanks):
Week 1: 10% water change
Week 2: 10% water change
Week 3:10% water change
Week 4: 10% water change
Repeat Weeks 5 through whenever you upgrade tanks
Sorry, don't mean to make light of your loss in corals, however too many people suppliment their tanks into oblivian. You need to remember that a regular water change (running about $1 per gallon) is more productive, and cost effective than any $20 suppliment you can buy at your LFS.


I use baking soda daily, and coral vite at water changes. But I don't have sps, just lps and lots of crazy leathers, zenia, and polyps.


Originally Posted by goulding.c
I use baking soda daily, and coral vite at water changes. But I don't have sps, just lps and lots of crazy leathers, zenia, and polyps.
Baking Soda?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
Baking Soda?

And Prestone Driveway Heat, and pickling lime.


Originally Posted by fender
And Prestone Driveway Heat, and pickling lime.
I use Prestone Driveway Heat also as well as MAG pellets. It is crazy to think we put stuff meant for melting snow into our aquarium.

Waiting for someone to post they feed vodka. ***)


Active Member
Been looking for the MAG stuff locally but haven't had much luck. Local reef club is trying to get a farm supply place to order some :)


Active Member
Do a search on teh interweb (Google is my favorite tool for this) on the following text:
farley baking soda two part alkalinity calcium chloride improved


Active Member
I use kosher salt to cut back on cost too...... not really
thats an awesome read. just may try it when the stuff I have runs out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
Here's the best schedule I know of (and it conforms to most tanks):
Week 1: 10% water change
Week 2: 10% water change
Week 3:10% water change
Week 4: 10% water change
Repeat Weeks 5 through whenever you upgrade tanks
Sorry, don't mean to make light of your loss in corals, however too many people suppliment their tanks into oblivian. You need to remember that a regular water change (running about $1 per gallon) is more productive, and cost effective than any $20 suppliment you can buy at your LFS.
I agree and in tanks that have heavly calcium demand i'd dose with kalk or use a reactor.


Active Member
Regular water changes.
Alk/calcium supplements as needed. That's all.
Now food additives like zoe or selcon, or even the garlic, are a bit different than other supplements in a reef tank (eg Iodine, essential elements, etc)

Remember - many people will say you must use this or that because they are making $$$ from the sale.


less is more when it comes to supplemens. too many people overdose theirs tanks, and with what they thought was helping their tanks...hurts it more.


Hey as far as supplements go I say "NO scheduled addatives".
Laddy had it right - Scheduled water changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If your tank has been up for awhile then schedule for checking
your parameters a day or two after water changes. Then and
only then would I add too boost anything that is low. Mostly
calcium and alkalinity buffers due to calcium consumption by
tanks inhabitants. Regural water changes will replace essential
trace elements without overdosing any one. Currently I am try to
calculate my tanks calcium consumption rate. 210g reef with growing
corals and new additions looks like will swing from Ca of 440 - 420 to
380 - 360 between water changes. Currently trying to add Reef complete
every three days but I see no difference in rate droppage.


Active Member
I pretty much do water changes, calcium and buffer when needed. thats it.
I reccomend not doseing anything you can't test for.
foods are another matter completly, I love to feed my reef combo vital (I can hear the boos and hissing already) I also feed reefplankton, ON formula one, ON formula 2, ON prime reef, omerga one marine opellets with garlic, and much more.... I just realized I have about three times as many types of food as I do supplements, no joke.