What are the chances?


I'm getting a Bubble Tip anemone on tuesday and if there was a clownfish hosting it at the pet store i was going to get the fish too. So i wanted to know the chances of the clownfish hosting it in my tank after i put both of them in the tank.


Active Member
I have seen many of you anemone posts, but none of your lighting. Are you aware of the anemone's lighting requirements? And have you read my post about putting 2 different species of anemones in the same tank?


i'v got 2 65 watts lights that are 50/50 and are made my Coralife in my 30 galleon tank(LTA is doing great) and yes i'v read your post about 2 anemones but i think i'll be fine as long as i keep them away from each other and the clown only hosts one fo them(not hosting the LTA now)


2??? Won't this be #3?? Because on june 30, you said you bought a Sebae, on july 14 you said you added an LTA, and now you wanna add a BTA. Are you still using the 30 gallon?? Or did you up-grade to your 55 gallon that you said that you had back on 14 of june. Do you still have 5 fish, and are 4 or is it 3 of them that are clowns?? And now you want to add another?? Why do you even ask questions when EVERY SINGLE piece of "advice" given to you, you just disregard???
You were told your tank hasn't cycled yet, yet you bought 5 fish and 2 anemones...
You were told you needed better lights, but instead of up-grading, you simply buy more anemones!!! Just outa curiosity, have you taken ANY of the advice that you keep asking for?? I mean, any at all?? Because it seems to me that when someone needs more info on your tank in order to help you, you then abandon the thread and start a new one. You won't "reveal" what you already have, so I assume you realize that people would tell you that you are over doing it way to fast. But yet you keep asking questions as if you have never posted before. I don't mean any disrespect, but you are one confusing individual.:confused:


Nobody can answer a question without details.
So lets answer the question as you "suggest".
Yes. the clown will probably host after you bring it home...
1) The anemone dies due to lack of lighting, or one of your other two sting it to death.
2) One of your other clowns attacks and kills the one you will be adding. It may not happen when you add it, but it will happen...unless of course they make babies.:rolleyes: (yeah right)
You see Hiddenicon, there is a reason that your post count stays numbered and your past questions stay on record. It is so that we have some idea of what is going on in your tank without you havening to repeat yourself. Usually that is an advantage... In your case though, the system has worked against you. :D
I know you hate me, I just can't figure out why.:notsure:


i don't see why its a problem to have more than one anemone in a tank as long as they can't touch each other. If i keep them apart they should do fine right?


Give me just a minute and I am going to try to show you something...


Bad cam, but bear with me...
This is where he was (about) two weeks ago... See him? On the rock in the middle?


yea i think, the greenish lookin thing to the left of your clown fish?
and by the way i don't hate you i just don't like what you say sometimes:D


In ONE SINGLE NIGHT he decided to move... He went ALL the way to the left (I had to move my clam), then he went ALL the way to the right. Stayed there for 1 day, and the next day, he decided to move again... He cruised the the tank until he FINALLY decided on this place (on the side of my skimmer box)


Now in the process of his little "escapade", he managed to run into my filter intake, got sucked into my skimmer box, AND gotsucked into the current of 3 different PH's. It didn't blow him away or anything, he just could not retract his tenticles to get out of it's current (kinda hard to explain). Now, I love my anemone... To the point that I almost had to call Thomas and give him up (JK Thomas) But I would have given him away if I didn't upgrade my lighting. Luckily I found a GREAT deal on MH's in the buy/sell forem here. But I was prepared to let him go for his own health. My point of all that was to tell you that if it were easy to just up and move them when they came near danger, I would have done so, but it isn't as easy as it seems. I had to stare at my tank constantly and unplug whatever he decided to cruise near at the time. So if you really want that BTA, take back the other two...Even if you take a loss, cause those things will reek havoc on your bio-load if they die (cause most people can't tell they are dead until it's WAAAAYYY to late).:D


do either of your clowns host it? and by the way i think i'm going to give 2 of my clowns to my girlfriend so i'll just have 2 if i buy another one with the new anemone. and right now my LTA has not moved and has attached himself to the bottem in the corner of my tank.


No, at the time THAT pic was taken, he was still on the rock. And as far as your LTA... I have NO idea about those. But you can pretty much rest assured that you don't have enough light for him ESPECIALLY since he is a bottum "dweller" (he is even further from your light source). The BTA will at least have the advantage of crawling up the glass... and if he does, then you really should get stronger lights.:yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
shut up and just answer my question or don't look at the post

Dude you need to chill out if you want answers that is not the right approach.


Active Member

Originally posted by Hiddenicon
and since mine as attached itself in the corner does that mean its happy there?

Top corner? It goes there because it probably is trying to get as close to the lights as possible to get enough light.