First I would like to say: People are here to help, not to dis you. We have all made mistakes and we try to learn from them. When someone says you need more light, they are not saying it to make fun or point fingers. They just want to help you give your critters the best possible chance for survival. Im a newbie and it was hard for me to spend the bucks on the better lights. But I went with power compacts, when for $150-200 more I could have had MH's. You live, you learn.
I have had my LTA for 6-7 weeks under PC's, csl 2x96w. I do consider this the bare minimum for anemones. I think my lta almost bite the big one and more intense lights probably could have helped it recover faster.
Fact: If you do not have enough light the zoothellae inside the anemone will die and your anemone will starve.
Your looks like he has found a good spot, LTA's like the sand. Be careful tho, too much flow will rip them right out of the sand. Mine found a place in moderate flow next to a smooth rock and hasnt moved in a month.
Signs of good health ime:
-is sticky
-has a healthy amonth of zoothellae (not bleached or transparent)
Signs of bad heath (from what I have read:
-gaping mouth
-loosing color (mine was 100% transparent/white when I got him, now its dark green)
I feel lighting, placement, and diet are crutial. In that order. Mine would not eat until it was in a happy spot and it took 3 weeks or so for it to regain its zoothellae/color.
I do have 2 anemones in my 46 bow as well, so I can't knock you for that. The other is a hatian pinktip/condy. I still think im pushing it tho, as either could make the distance to the other in the 8 hour gaps awhile im asleep/working. It would be much easier to handle 2 anemones that like rocks.. The lta's can get rooted easily in the sand so be careful.
If I had to do it all again, I would have waited longer. Bought MH's and only 1 anemone (rbta would be my choice now).