What are the most colorful corals?


i am ready to add corals!
but i only want real colorful ones, i am trying to make my tank as colorful as can be, so what would be some really good colorful corals? and also what additives would i need to buy?


New Member
This pink tube was bright as well...grew way too big, so returned it for something smaller.


Active Member
Staple, in that pic I had, had it for one day. I can take a pic and post a new one tommorrow, if I can find some batteries. I have had it since the 24th. It is doing great now.


those are really awesome, my fish store doesn't even carry anything like that!
and since this site is down for awhile, can anyone email some good places online to get coral at a good price? microman2k4@yahoo.com, thanx in advance!:joy: but those corals are awesome! i love the zoos the best and this site don't have any besides orange! :nope:


Mornin, Just wondered are you talking about High light or medium.
If Medium to low which are the most colorful. Curious toooooo !!


well i *think* i am talking about medium, thats the thing with this hobby i can't be to sure of anything b/c of soooo many different opinions but however you can decide here is my lighting for my 29 gallon: coralife compact fluorescent fixture 2-65 watt 50/50 lights with blue actinic:thinking:


I know I here you. You look like 130w/29=4.48watts per gal. While that sounds good it is flour. and maybe doesn't reach the bottom of the tank in power. Looks like you are doing great though.
I recently bought some Coralife compact fluorescent with 2-65w 10,000k and 2-65w 50/50 actinic for my 75g. so it would have the strength to get down another say 6" or so. It is confusing to me as well. I should now be at 4X65=260w/75g=3.4w per gal. Maybe I'm low to medium.:notsure:
I do figure it takes MH to get to high lighting.