What are the pros and cons of having a Snowflake Eel-?



Hey guys ! I have a 175 gallon tank, and I am thinking of getting a Snowflake Eel.Before I get him, I would like to know the pros and cons of having a Snowflake. My tank is empty right now. Anyhelp would be great, thanks !


All I can tell you about mine, just got him about three days ago. THEY ARE COOL.
Check out Funny story in Aquarium . He is under some LR that he dug under. They are also blind so if you try to feed I would suggest a feeding stick. I have hand fed but only silver sides and make sure they are big enough that he strikes the fish first and not my fingers.


Active Member
Pros: beautiful fish, generally pretty peaceful, VERY hardy
Cons: many hide a lot, they try to escape quite a bit


I am also interested in the SFE, Can one be kept in a reef tank (55gall). What do they eat, etc? (sorry to spin on your thread, least its related)


I have a SFE in my 55. I don't have corals, but I've read they don't bother them. He does hide under one of my LR, and every once in a while stays in this hole in one of my rocks. When he's hungry, he pokes his head out with his mouth wide open. I feed him krill off of a stick. Fun to watch. As I start lowering the krill to him, he comes further out of his hiding place. Once he gets a sniff of it, he quickly grabs it and takes it back to his lair. All I see is his body violently shaking, sand shifting around, and a puff of remains come out from under the rock.


Thanks rudedog, would he be alright in CC or does he need sand? What else would he feed on? Would they eat smaller fish? (hopefully my yellow tail damsel ;p (jk)


Originally Posted by mbnum2
Thanks rudedog, would he be alright in CC or does he need sand? What else would he feed on? Would they eat smaller fish? (hopefully my yellow tail damsel ;p (jk)

Most members in this forum deter from anyone using CC. It's harder to clean and filter. If you're starting a new tank, definitely go with sand or live sand. I've fed mine krill, squid, and mysis shrimp. He seems to like the krill the best. I used to try and feed him every day, but he's gotten where he decides when he wants to eat. When I feed my puffer and chromis, and he comes out from under his rock trying to attack and catch the floating frozen food, that's when I stick feed him.
Will they eat smaller fish? A SFE is blind, and if hungry, will snap at anything that comes by them. A SFE will grow over two feet long, and 1/2" in diameter. So if he's good and hungry, and your damsel swims by his lair, it may become dinner. I had a maroon/gold clown (he died after 4 days due to stress and Brookynella), but on his last day, I noticed a chunk of his right fin was missing. The bite pattern looked about the same as by SFE's mouth. I didn't see how he lost the chunk, but I swear I saw my SFE smiling the next morning.


lol, thanks man.
Unfortunately, I already have the CC in there
, my tank is about 7-8 years old. I wouldnt mind losing my yellowtail damsel,
(jk) he has been in there forever and more of a nuisance than anything, but i dont want to lose the Royal Gramma, he is about the same size. Will he be alright in CC though?
Thanks for your help!


Originally Posted by mbnum2
lol, thanks man.
Unfortunately, I already have the CC in there
, my tank is about 7-8 years old. I wouldnt mind losing my yellowtail damsel,
(jk) he has been in there forever and more of a nuisance than anything, but i dont want to lose the Royal Gramma, he is about the same size. Will he be alright in CC though?
Thanks for your help!
It might be tough on the SFE to be in CC, because they tend to burrow under your rocks and clear out spaces that they can hide in. You can attempt to minimize the burrowing by putting some pvc pipe in your tank, that will give the eel plenty of stuff to swim thruogh and hide.
If you get a sfe with a taste for fish, the damsel may outlast the gamma, because the damsel can get away faster. At least thats what I have been told. However if you feed your eel when its hungry then you shouldn't loose any fish. Mine would swim back and forth along the front of my tank when it was hungry.
Oh yeah and if you have any shrimp or crabs... well decide which you like more, you may not have the shimp and crabs after you get your eel. Hermits and snails should be fine... though my SFE would have a nast habit of picking off my hermits when they molted.


New Member
Pros - really cool, beautiful, mostly peaceful, stays fairly small, will eat just about any food after being trained, reef-safe, easy to find & inexpensive
Cons - eats crustaceans and really small fish, very good at escaping, add a lot to the bioload, hides during most of the day, can be hard to feed at first, poor vision


I had a SFE, and will probaly never have one again. I fed him quite often. He was a bottomless pit. He ate many fish. The copperband butterfly was the last draw with him. Just my sad story, others have good luck with them.


Good thread. Just wanted to share that I just got a 10 inch SFE today. I freshwater dipped him for almost 10 mins. then put him in my 125g. He went down and hid in the rocks for a little while but then had his head sticking out of a cave. Very cool fish. I plan to add a yellow tang and a pink tail trigger as companions. I am a little paranoid about him escaping from the tank but I think I did a good job blocking any escape routes.


Originally Posted by RumRunner
Good thread. Just wanted to share that I just got a 10 inch SFE today. I freshwater dipped him for almost 10 mins. then put him in my 125g. He went down and hid in the rocks for a little while but then had his head sticking out of a cave. Very cool fish. I plan to add a yellow tang and a pink tail trigger as companions. I am a little paranoid about him escaping from the tank but I think I did a good job blocking any escape routes.

Just out of curiousity, why did you freshwater dip the eel before putting it in the tank?


I freshwater dip all my fish to help decrease the chances of disease. Here is a link for more info: http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/hyp.../ht_fwbath.htm
I usually quarantine fish in a 20g long tank for a few weeks also, but I wouldn't be able to eel proof that tank. So I opted to go with the dip and direct into the tank. Extra work for sure, but I have learned my lesson in the past from total tank wipeout.