What are the weirdest things you've caught so far,while fishing ?



My brother caught ME
(with a huge lure right in the back) Hurt like H-E-double hockey sticks!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MasonInNC
My brother caught ME
(with a huge lure right in the back) Hurt like H-E-double hockey sticks!!!!!
what were you doing swimming with the fish? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by MasonInNC
My brother caught ME
(with a huge lure right in the back) Hurt like H-E-double hockey sticks!!!!!
when my mom wa a kid my uncle caught her in between her thumb and finger


Active Member
When I was a little guy (maybe 6 or 7) I caught my dads lip with hook. He was standing behind me when I cast the line and I got it in really deep...thought for sure I was gonna get spanked for it but I didn't and we laugh about it today.
Can't wait to take my little boy fishing when he's a few years older!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
When I was a little guy (maybe 6 or 7) I caught my dads lip with hook. He was standing behind me when I cast the line and I got it in really deep...thought for sure I was gonna get spanked for it but I didn't and we laugh about it today.
Can't wait to take my little boy fishing when he's a few years older!
wear a hockey mask hehe


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
wear a hockey mask hehe
That and make sure he uses barbless hooks!


Um well a couple a years ago my cousin wasn't watching his pole and a fish got on to it and dragged it in the water so my dad was really mad and everything it was funny. well the next afternoon we were fishing at the same place again and my dad was fishing and he caught the same fish or the pole rather it was funny. so it was an interesting camping trip.


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The last time I went fishing I did not catch a thing. My 9 year old daughter caught the only fish.
That was 4 years ago and I STILL hear about that......


Active Member
wow I almost forgot abot the time I caught my cousin, the rapalla lure looked just like a barrette. rappalla, nice hooks. ONE mad aunt.yeah in retrospect funny at the time terrified. caught her in the scalp. yeah ouch.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by FORD81502
caught a heck of a beer buzz and a 25 pound stripper first cast of the day

25 pound stripper, huh......must have been one heck of a coke addict............

On a more serious note, my Dad, Uncle, a friend (of theirs) and I went out on a boat called the Scat Cat (out of Port Aransas). We caught more fish between ourselves than the entire boat caught (80 + people).
We caught mainly Red Snapper and some Amberjack.
The best thing I ever caught (besides my wife
) was a 320 lb. grouper.....


My mom caught an giant orange sea anenome fishing in the hood canal.It was larger than any bta you've seen.


I have caught a couple of crabs, an octopus, a baracuda, a tire adn even quite a few small logs. Not that any of those are WEIRD, and not that this is on subject, but I REALLY WANT TO FISH WITH THESE DAMN CICADAS. I BET they are great bait. Only a delicacy comes around once every 17 years.


caught a duck cuz it got tangled on my line. then a turtle. couldnt get the hook out so i just cut the line and gave him a free piercing.


Oh yeah and my mom also caughty the food chain of fish. Like 5 fish were eating eachother and they were stuck together,My miom caught it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by REEFER545
I have caught a couple of crabs, an octopus, a baracuda, a tire adn even quite a few small logs. Not that any of those are WEIRD, and not that this is on subject, but I REALLY WANT TO FISH WITH THESE DAMN CICADAS. I BET they are great bait. Only a delicacy comes around once every 17 years.
put a buch of them in a ziplok and freeze them, my granny did this years ago and we went to fish she caught a TON of catfish that year


i caught a mantis shrimp. or at least thats what the guy i was with said it was. he wouldn't let me touch it, said it would break my hand. my friend caught a snapping turtle the other day. i caught some toadfish looking thing of a dock. but i think the shrimp wins. he did not want to let go of his meal!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Appaloosa1
i caught a mantis shrimp. or at least thats what the guy i was with said it was. he wouldn't let me touch it, said it would break my hand. my friend caught a snapping turtle the other day. i caught some toadfish looking thing of a dock. but i think the shrimp wins. he did not want to let go of his meal!
if it was a mantis how big was it?