what are these white wormy things on my filter!

aquarius 1

A couple of weeks ago I noticed these white tubular "things" sitting on the inside corners of my tank. At first I thought that they were baby feather dusters. They're completely white and they like to hang on the silicone creases and up near the top of the tank. Well, I just took out one of my Fluval and removed the lid and they're tons of them on the inside casing of the filter!!! They're all white and range from 1/4" to 1". Here's a picture of the inside of my fluval. They're hard to the touch and like I said they're pretty well bonded to the inside of the filter. Anyone know what they are? Good bad? What should I do? The fish in the tank are fine but is this a good sign or a bad sign?

aquarius 1

Oops, couldn't find the digital camera and i forgot to change the thread. My mistake! I'll work on getting a pic for you.


Well anyway If it is the same thing I had when I started my tank I do not know the name of it. All I did was do a 50% water change and scrubbed the inside of the filter and I never got them back again. When you get the pic I will let you know for sure