what are these?


Was cleaning my equipment today and discovered these on 2 of my powerheads and my heater as well as on the back side of the tank. Can anyone tell me what they are and ifre they are beneficial? Thanks...



Active Member
How big are they? i ahve some that look like that but are only a mm wide or something but theyre beneficial.


I had these guys too when I started my tank they arnt bad to have and will go away after they consume what ever they say they filter out of new systems that you dont want there anyways. But them little suckers do burn your skin at the touch so I would stay away from touching them.


I ran a search and believe they are called spirobidae worms, a tiny calcerous spiral tube worm that supposedly have little featherdusters (although I have not seen that, I will keep a lookout).


Active Member
yea,there spirorbid worms. just harmless filter feeders, ive got hundreds in my tank. nothing to worry about.