What are these???

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
I have these 2 of these white roundish things growing on my rock. It looks pourous, kinda like a honeycomb. Any ideas??
Also i have what looks like plants growing out of my rock, looks like they have small leaves. Ill try and take pictures b/c there are probably millions of things that fit this bill.
But anyone that can help, please do.

bang guy

Honeycomb = Sponge = wild guess ;)
The plant is definately an algae.... can you give me a little more to go on?? :p

bang guy

Hmmm I still can't quite make out the algae.
I've seen that sponge before. I believe they can actually move. I'll try to look it up and get back to you.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
should i just pick off all the algae? What some of it looks like to me is the things that grow out of potatoes when they get a little old. Seems to be growing on quite a few rocks. Ill try and rip a bigger piece off and take a picture.


Active Member
The algae is a type of sargassum. You don't have to remove it, in most tanks it grows for a little while and then dissapears. Some Sallys, most Emeralds, and many Tangs eat it.
The other just looks like a common brown sponge.