What are these?


New Member
I know this question has been covered before, but since I don't know what I have, I was unable to use the search forum. For the last few months I have noticed these little white things similar to a feather duster. They are white in color and grow like ivy around all of my lv. I have noticed just recently that some of my mushroom corals, anemones, etc. have not been looking to good lately. My local fish store advised me that these things (unknown name) can sting corals, anemones etc. He suggested taking doses of salt water high in salt concentration with a syringe and dosing each little white looking feather duster. He says this will disolve the little critters. The problem is that I now have hundreds of them and this would be very time consuming. Can anyone tell me any other ways to treat this problem and exactly what are these little white feather duster things called? I would have treated them much earlier but I had never seen them before and I thought they were just a good by product of my tank somehow. Help please!
P.S. Also someone told me that pepermint shrimp and some type of fish will eat these things, is that true or just some wives tell?

nm reef

Active Member

Hard to tell from the description but it sounds like beneficial tube worms and not aiptasia I had some good aiptasia pics but can't seem to locate them. I'd suggest a search on this site for aiptasia...maybe even on a search engine ... for additional info. If it is aiptasia then there are things to do to control them...but if all you have is a large number of harmless filter feeders then no problem...they are good things to have and you've got nothing to worry about. Maybe somebody can post some pics of aiptasia for comparission.I did locate this link with some general info & pics. Is this what you are concerned about?
NMREEF website
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