What Are You Thankful For???


Active Member
Hope ya'll don't mind - I merged these two threads

I'm thankful for that option

But mostly I am thankful for the traditional, because there is no replacing my husband, family and friends. As bad as some days are, it all comes back to that. I look at decisions in my life, wish I had done things differently, but always come back to realize every one of those decisions led to something today...what would I give up? None of it. Its all interrelated, the good and the bad. I'm thankful for the trust and respect of my colleagues in a great company, because I've known times without that.
And yes, I am thankful for this community

I have one "tradition" that I try and do on Thanksgiving, and that is seeing Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade....not the whole parade, mind you
but that moment. Sometimes they show a kid who just can't believe Santa is right there :) and it is such an incredible image of amazement and joy and hope. So there are some simple things there to be thankful for; it is a day I look past the material stuff (oh yeah, I'm thankful for it
) but see more inspiration.
I don't know where all that just came from! Just feeling philosophical, I think perhaps of other issues that have stuck the SWF family here in recent days


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Hope ya'll don't mind - I merged these two threads
I'm thankful for that option

Merging our threads!!!!! Thankfully
, RU and I play nice together!!!!


I’m thankful that my parents have lived to see me reach my ultimate goal. God knows they supported me along the way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
Merging our threads!!!!! Thankfully, RU and I play nice together!!!!

indeed we do Wade... cheers... and i am thankful for that...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
indeed we do Wade... cheers... and i am thankful for that...
Cheers to you as well!!! I'll be sure and have a cold one for ya!!!!


My dad, 3 wonderful sisters, 2 great bros-in-law, my 4 nephews, 2 nieces and my mom (who passed away last year). Im not sure where Id be without them.