What are your worst fears?


I live in michigan and it gets very cold here in the winter,I have a battery backup for an air pump but have nothing for heat. I would love to get a generator but don't have the$ right now. We do lose power occasionaly but not enough to justify it to my wife. I just saw a thread where someone lost their whole tank to a faulty heater. When you put so much time and energy not to mention the many hours of enjoyment and $ into your system I can't even imagine waking up and losing everything to something like a bad heater. Just curious, are you guys as paranoid as I am? Or am I thinking too much? Also, with all the brains on this board someone should become the next millionaire and create a battery operated heater. I know everyone in the midwest would buy one. ( I expect a small cut;)


:D I knew I couldn't be the only one. I just upgraded tanks and while my new one was cycling all my fish/corals were in a 55 half full w/ a heater and a powerhead. While it was only for a couple days It was all I could think about while at work. To top it off I came home and my tank dropped from 78 to 67 due to a bad heater. Luckily I did not lose anything but got me thinking how easy it could be to lose everything no matter how cautious you are. BATTERY OPERATED HEATERS! someone? someone?:)


How do you have the webcams setup? How do monitor them? This is something I'd love to do... I've set them up using a Flash plugin that posts a photo every second or so, but not in true webcam-fashion... I'd love a truly good webcam application so I could watch the tank and monitir it while I'm gone...


I have any easy solution!!! Move to TEXAS and you dont have to worry. I have the airconditioner on right now.

barry cuda

Just how many of us San Antonians (well, actually I'm a transplanted Seattleite, but I never owned Birkenstocks) are there here?


Biggest fears... easy.
Electrical fire! I run gfci, and have a grounding probe on the way. Yet I still worry about it sometimes.
Floods, just nervouse about them.
Power failures I'm not really worried about.


Active Member
Power failures . . . . well the blackout in the midwest this summer pretty much took the fear out of that.
Floods . . . . just something to look back and laugh at.
The one thing that really makes me nervous is a fire. I have seen so many times that hoods catch on fire from lighting fixtures. Well, i havent had one yet (knock knock :rolleyes: ) and I really dont want one. I am going to rewire my canopy this weeked to ensure that all connections are still sound.


my biggest fears;
- at summer time temperture goes very high and i dont have a chiller
- not having enough pods for my pipefish
- long power failure


Active Member
I'm in San Antonio. I've probably told most of you but if i haven't there is a local club. If you post your email adress up here i will give you the site.



Originally posted by fishtanknewbi
Finding a good protein skimmer on line for less than a $100.:rolleyes:

That's not a fear that's miracle...
I've pretty much delt with all the probelsm mentioned, or should I say I've made all the mistakes mentioned. The heater failing issue just can be solved a few ways, using a contoller with an alarm as back up or using 2 or 3 smaller heaters. About 15 years ago somebody down the street hit a power poll, I was without power for 18 hrs. I just went down and rented a generator. A good 20-30 dollar investment is a power converter for your truck or car. I bought one last year that allows me to run 400 watts of stuff. That will run my whole tank minus the lights and chiller. If heat becomes and issue then it time to float some ice bags...
My worst fears are flat worms, shrooms, star polyps and all the other unwanted stuff that comes on live rock and frags.
My miracle came true I found a seaclone 150 protein skimmer on e-bay for $79.00 and that included shipping.:eek: YES YES I believe in miracles.:D


Active Member
spiders and squorpions but after that a power outage causing the pumps to backsyphon and the overflow to continue to suck in water and having 10G. of water on the floor and my chiller and heater shuttng off but mainly the chiller ( i live in frisco tx by dallas so the chiller is a big deal especially since i dont run the ac while i am not home in the summer)


I want to set up a web cam. That is so rad :) I was thinking about running it on Yahoo Messanger. What software are you using to upload the new page? Are you running your own box?
About the paranoia... Im running a small UPS like 650 something and it will run my 3 powerheads for about 3 hours. How long can you be without circulation till you have a problem?