What besides perc. clowns?

Any suggestions as to what else I can add to my tank that will get along with my two perc. clowns? I have two percs., one goby, cleaner shrimp, pep. shrimp and coral banded shrimp. I would like to add a pair of black perc. clowns. would this work? Or maybe another pair of some other type of clowns, but I have heard that clowns do not get along.


how big is you tank? but usually unless you have a huge tank once a group of clowns is in another cant follow. My friend who has a 300 gallon tank started with 2 percs, then added a pair of bigger maroons and he has not had a problem but that is probably becuase he has a 300 gallon tank.

sinner's girl

about a 6-line? or some inverts? brittle stars have some personality.
btw your CBS might eat your peppermint shrimp


New Member
Strawberry Dottyback, there colourful and hardy small fish, Alot of people think they are agressive, nasty even, but its just there personality. you just have to get to know them (there a creeper) :)