what brand of salt does everybody use?


Active Member
i finally used up my first 5 gallon bucket of salt. i used it a hell of a lot quicker than i expected. anyway, i bought it b/c it was on sale. it was instant ocean. i just want to hear some opinions on the different brands. pros, cons. any reply is greatly appreciated


oceanic here, but I'm really starting to doubt its integrity... keeps giving me more algae per water change, it seems like


I use Oceanic but I might switch back to Reef Crystals because Oceanic salt is hard to get a good pH with.


Active Member
I use crystal seamarine salt i have a lfs i go to this guy is a x chemist thats handy capt and pre mixs his salt and ro water at his store and sales it so it makes it easy not having to mix your own salt are ro water all you do is bring in your own 5 gallon jugs and fill them it makes it very nice and as far as his water testing out it always right on the money here is a sight on crystal seamarine salt check it out never helpful sight on salt mixeshttp://reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-03/rs/feature/index.htm