what camera to get?????


After seeing all these great photos I wanted one of my own. My basic kodak digital will not do... So now on top of an expensive hobby as it is I now NEED a new camera!!!!
What camers do you all use??
I would like to get some up close macro shots.:jumping: :

Please let me know so I can start looking!!


Active Member
cameras are getting better and better these days.
i find that the hp digitals are great and you can pick up a nice one in the 300 dollar range.
you want to stay away from things like digital zoom. it gets ya close yes but it also greatly reduces your quality at high zoom levels. i would take 10 times optical zoom over 20 times digital anyday.
you want to get something with atleast 3.0 mp IMO
i really like the HP 945
i use a hp 715 which is 3.3 with 128meg chip. At the time i think it was around 450 but you can get it now for near 200 used
I just looked it up and right now on the big auction site you can get it for 99 bucks buy it now from some lady, GREAT deal IMO


Active Member
Check out the canon powshot series. I have the Powershot S1 Is and I love it. I got mine for just over 300, but if you want to jump up a little in price you can get more megapixels with the great zoom. And Image stabilization is awesome, I would recommend getting a camera with it. It really helps for the times you don't want to use a tripod.


I like my Konica Minolta Z2. 10 optical zoom is incredible... I could get much better shots if I would use a tripod, but, I don't have one :D I got a half-gig stick of memory, so I'm not lacking in that department. I managed to find mine with the mem for just over 300 shipped.


I have the Z2 also. It is a good camera for a good price IMO.
Here is a pic I took with it using the origional lens.
By the way the Z2 is SLR and you can get different lens for them.


New Member
I was just about to answer the other thread but I will here....I dont have any lens attachments just the camera & original lens.