What can go w/a porcupine puffer?


Active Member
I think all three of those would be safe with a porky... The purple tang is too big (Can't provide any input for tank size, though), pseudos are pretty quick little guys (my fridmani zips in and out of LR all day.. My clown can't even catch him when he goes near his precious anemone), and many clowns can hold their own (like maroons, which are more aggressive than others)..
That's just my opinion, though... I could be wrong.


Active Member
On a second thought, however, puffers seem like they can be quite persistant (Diddy, my stars n stripes puffer, will stalk a hermit crab for as long as he needs to in order to get a good shot at it)... So since the Pseudo is smaller, it might be a risk...
Can anyone else provide some input on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
On a second thought, however, puffers seem like they can be quite persistant (Diddy, my stars n stripes puffer, will stalk a hermit crab for as long as he needs to in order to get a good shot at it)... So since the Pseudo is smaller, it might be a risk...
Can anyone else provide some input on this?
Yeah, my puffer loves those tasty little snacks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I just cycled a new tank and have never done any aggressive fish before. What can I put with a porcupine puffer in a 125?
I have a 180 with a porcupine, Blueface Angel, Emperor Angel, Hippo tang, Naso Tang, and niger trigger.
I used to have 2 Bartlett Anthias that were 3 inches and they were ok.
Steer clear of any fish that can fit in his mouth. He ate an entire school of Chromis that were 1 inch each. He thought they were snacks


Active Member
Okay, so what if I drop the puffer? Is a 125 big enough for a purple tang? I was thinking a purple tang, bicolor pseudochromis and a mean clown?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I just cycled a new tank and have never done any aggressive fish before. What can I put with a porcupine puffer in a 125?
My puffer was about 6 inches when I tried to put in a school of chromis (6) and he ate all of them.
He was very peacefull, but he was a piggy.