Hey 1969,
I've currently got a 45 gallon (36Lx12Dx24"T) that I'm stocking with agg fish. I've got a fairly large domino damsel in there now, a Dwarf Lion in the QT for another week or two, and I plan on getting another fish in a month or two. I'm thinking either one of the larger clowns or dwarf angel. I also thought about a dwarf puffer like the valentini, but I'm afraid he'd kill all the inverts and maybe nip at my lion.
I also plan on adding some cool inverts like LARGE hermits, a sally lightfoot and maybe an emerald if I can put him in my 20 and get him large enough that the lion can't swallow him whole. Plus some nass. snails, maybe some turbos, a star and Long Spine Urchin a few months from now.
My lights are currently N-O flourescents.
I've got an Aquaclear for a larger tank (500GPH) and an Aqua C Remora Pro with a mag 3.
I tried building a sump for a wet/dry, but it was far too noisy for my bedroom. (And yes, I tried the stockman standpipe and it never would be quiet with the flow rate I wanted.