what can I do with 40gl.? aggressive tank?


40 gallons for an agressive tank is not enough room. you could maybe have some clowns.... until they get to big for the tank. may be some anenomies too?????


Originally Posted by nimo1969
thank you feed back
I would like to have it for my sump that I am building ***)


Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86
Mantis Shrimp!!
I get mine in about 15 days to put in a Biocube and I acn not wait


Originally Posted by nimo1969
thank you feed back
you could wish you bought a bigger tank! im just kidding , with this size tank you could hold one dwarf specimen and thats it. for the money and the fish you prob. want to keep i would go with something bigger, atleast 75g.


Active Member
i remember an article in one of the fish mags about a hawkfish eating chromis that sounds aggressive


Hey 1969,
I've currently got a 45 gallon (36Lx12Dx24"T) that I'm stocking with agg fish. I've got a fairly large domino damsel in there now, a Dwarf Lion in the QT for another week or two, and I plan on getting another fish in a month or two. I'm thinking either one of the larger clowns or dwarf angel. I also thought about a dwarf puffer like the valentini, but I'm afraid he'd kill all the inverts and maybe nip at my lion.
I also plan on adding some cool inverts like LARGE hermits, a sally lightfoot and maybe an emerald if I can put him in my 20 and get him large enough that the lion can't swallow him whole. Plus some nass. snails, maybe some turbos, a star and Long Spine Urchin a few months from now.
My lights are currently N-O flourescents.
I've got an Aquaclear for a larger tank (500GPH) and an Aqua C Remora Pro with a mag 3.
I tried building a sump for a wet/dry, but it was far too noisy for my bedroom. (And yes, I tried the stockman standpipe and it never would be quiet with the flow rate I wanted.