what can i do with my tank while away?

i love fish

ok, I'm leaving Dubai to come back home to hv a baby in a couple of months and I hv no 1 to look after my tanks while I'm away.
Does any1 hv any suggestions of what 2 do? I'll b away for about2 or 3 months. How long do those automatic feeders work for the longest I've found here is 1 week. What about automatic timers for the lights? Should I leave the skimmer running while I'm away coz I'm afraid it might overflow?
I'm really stressing here
. My husband suggested that I sell all my fish
but I really don't wanna do that I love them as if they r my own kids.
Please help.

don trinko

for that lenth of time you need to have someone knowledgable to watch them or sell them. They person feeding them would not have to feed them every day and you could use an auto feeder. (unless your fish have unusual needs). Don T.

small triggers

Active Member
yeah, 2 or 3 months is too long to go without normal maintenance. Unfortuentaly, your best option is to either sell them, maybe back to the LFS where you got them from (is there an LFS in Dubai??)OR if there is an LFS if the you can pay the owner a maintenance fee while your gone to stop by 2 days a week. He could feed 2 times a week and do regualr maint. again, thats if. Good Luck. Are you taking the baby back to Dubai with you?? your gonna be TIRED.....


I think you should just sell the fish for now or find someone with a tank that you can leave them in for a few months. I think less frequent feedings are fine for like a week or something, but you cannot reduce feedings down to 2 or 3 per week for 2 or 3 months. Not enough food unless you had the person overfeed while they were there and this could cause problems with the fish. Fish are used to eating all day in the wild.


Maybe you can get someone to stay there...Feeding would not be the only issue...equipment needs to be checked, skimmers emptied...etc

naclh2o nut

Is there other reefers in the area? If no one can look after them, then get sale them and start new. If not you probably will anyway!


Active Member
I have a professional coming out to look after mine. Look in your yellow pages.
Or you can contact your local pet shops. The owner might be able to give you phone numbers of clients who have saltwater that can help

eric b 125

you're actually leaving your fish to go have a baby?!?!? i mean honestly, are you listening to yourself?

congrats on the baby by the way, but i think it would behoov you to sell the fish. you could keep everything else, just nix the fish and when you return, get new ones. it's probably not what you want to hear, but considering evaporation, feedings, and the infinate things that could go wrong, i think its the only option


Active Member
Congrats on the baby. I was there for the birth of all 3 of mine (ours); I wouldn't have missed it for anything. (The old saying that if men gave birth, everyone would be an only child, is true.)
When we were kids, we always thought you could freeze a goldfish and it would be fine when it thawed out. This may be a good time to try it.

i love fish

Originally Posted by crypt keeper
If I may ask, why leave to have the baby and then comeback?
coz the healthcare system here sucks, it costs a fortune to hv a baby and plus the language barrier and they like to slice and dice here alot during natural child births, i really don't wanna go under the knife if i don;t hv 2, but they do it routinely here whether u like it or not


Im in Iraq for a year and have my friend taking care of mine. I told him I would buy him a 300 gallon tank if he did it. So far hes been doing a great job with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Hey I would have done it for you
For a 300g tank GEEZ
If the 300 came with all the goodies; I'd go through labor for you. Include one of the new Solaris lights and I'll even skip the epidural.


Originally Posted by i love fish
ok, I'm leaving Dubai to come back home to hv a baby in a couple of months and I hv no 1 to look after my tanks while I'm away.
Does any1 hv any suggestions of what 2 do? I'll b away for about2 or 3 months. How long do those automatic feeders work for the longest I've found here is 1 week. What about automatic timers for the lights? Should I leave the skimmer running while I'm away coz I'm afraid it might overflow?
I'm really stressing here
. My husband suggested that I sell all my fish
but I really don't wanna do that I love them as if they r my own kids.
Please help.
I wish I was there, I would love to see the Burj Dubai in person.


Like many people said, try to get someone to take care of it in the mean time. I'm currently doing this for a friend while she's away for 2 months, I have to drive 60 miles to her house, but I wouldn't like to see her tank fall apart or being sold.

i love fish

Originally Posted by locoyo386
I wish I was there, I would love to see the Burj Dubai in person.
yeah, burj dubai is huge, there's lots of other neat stuff 2 c here, u should come visit, would u b interested in coming 4 a visit and looking after my tank?