What can i find on the beach, in the water off the coast of florida:Clearwater,Cocoa


I will be going to the beach this weekend, but i dont know which to go to. Clearwater is crystal clear water that also is siad to have TONS of hermits and starfish on the beach, there is sebastian, cocoa, melbourne ... But also, i poseted a message liek this yesterday and got no respnses. But i know that there has to be "things" for the sealife to cling to,s o for the re to be fish and shrimp and stuch to find, it would have to be on a reef or rock formation or something, where can i find things liek this like within swimming distance? please let me know


What part about not havbing rock formations and reefs in that region do you not understand? For that matter 99% of all of Florida except for the key area. The only rocks your gonnafind is at bay inlets and they are called jetties, and they can be hazzardous to snorkel or dive around depending on the tide......Hermits do not need any substate other than sand, and neither do sand dollars and star fish, so thats pretty much what your gonna find off the typical beaches.......Off jetties your can find urchins, and parrot fish and grunts but most if not all of these types grow too large for most aquariums. Like I said previously, you need to check laws and regulations pertaiing to harvesting of natural fauna in Florida waters, as they are not bashfull at enforcement. Some stars are protected, others are not.......all rock nbeit natural or nort is protected if it come sout of the water or even off thebeach as is lots of hard corals, but most rock and corals will only be found off the beaches in the keys.
Shrimp do not hang in jetties, they like the deeper waters of the bays or open expanses of the gulf.
I see lots of responses to two posts justy like this one already, so yu really need to check a bit more casrefully, as replies have been made.


i agree i have lived 10 min from clearwater beach for most of my life and there is not a whole lot near the shore. Just sand...sand...and more sand. if your going to clearwater you better be going for something other than the marine life.


Active Member
Hey buddy. I live in Clearwater and unfortunately the name is very misleading. The water really isnt very clear at all. It is all just bare sand bottom with no structure. There really isnt any sealife worth collecting. If you do come over to the west coast and you are interested in seeing sealife I would highly recommend going to Honeymoon Island in Dunedin. It's not much further than Clearwater Beach and it's much more isolated. You can find Sand Dollars, Conches, and hermits. There are some tidal pools that are pretty cool to check out. There isnt anything I would ever want to put in my tank but it's a great place to visit.