what can i get for 200 bucks


im from northern mass so something closer would be nice
all for a 30g tank my 1st tank
i need a filter
thinkin emperor or something
heater 100-150w
live rock 30-35lbs
hood no crazy lights-12x24
like i said i need all of this for around 200 bucks i have the tank n stand just need everything else


i will take a 55-75g tank
totally done up
tank stand rocks filter heater powerheads
i can do that for around $350
or just everything cept the tank itself
i cant afford shipping so has to be done in person


"what can I get for $200?"
"Anyting yoo want"
sorry, i just couldn't resist, had to throw the full metal jacket in there somehow. i know it's $20 but just think if he did offer $200.


5dollar me luv u long time
i love full metal jacket great movie
but i did see someone selling a full 75g with everything for 350
so i hope i can get one up near me for pickup
thanks guys


Originally Posted by wfd1008
"what can I get for $200?"
"Anyting yoo want"
sorry, i just couldn't resist, had to throw the full metal jacket in there somehow. i know it's $20 but just think if he did offer $200.

NO SOUL BROTHER, HE TO BOOKOU. That movie rocks.....sorry....couldn't resist.


just keep your eyes peeled and look in the paper or on line somewhere local for you, and i'm sure something will pop up. i know i see alot of people around here wanting to get rid of 55-gal. keep saving up money while you're waiting and by the time you get to buy one, you'll hopefully have some extra cash for it. good luck


Originally Posted by wfd1008
it was $5 wasn't it. good save

it was $10. "what do we get for 10 dollars"? Anything you want! Anything? Anything!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
sciknen i like your avatar
Unfortunately it's not appropriate for this site and will need to be changed or removed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kclester
unfortunately......lol sounds like you are sad journeymna you must have liked it also...lol
Not particularly

I said "unfortunately" because we Mods don't like telling folks they have to do something.


Active Member
i liked it....i support ya....but anyways where do you live i have a 30 gallon setup for sale....i just got a new biocube forshristmas so im gunna sell my current setup to stock me new one