what can I get my oscellaris to host


Active Member
My tank has just finished the cycle and I have bought my first fish (oscellaris clown) over the weekend. From what I've read, it may be a good idea to wait as much as 6 months to get any anenome's and/or corals that could host the clown. Is that right? I don't have good light right now (one 15 watt 20000k florecent). I think I may be able to upgrade to a dual florecent setup that would get me about 45 watts in the near future. Is that enough to keep any corals for the clown? Oh, I have a 20 gallon tank with about 20 lbs. LR. If that's not enough light, what should I get? Is there anything I can keep under my current light?


Active Member
IMO you shouldn't keep any corals under your current lighting. Get some power compact flo lights and they you can try some hairy mushrooms, no need to wait for 6 months. IMO you shouldn't put an anemone into such a small tank.
You can get a 2x65 watt PC fixture for around $100. That will work for zoos, mushrooms, xenai, leathers, and some lps corals.


Active Member
NVM the 2x65 watt PCs, that is for a 30" tank. You can get a 96 watt PC fuxture (20") for around $100.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice.
I've also read that anenome's need a larger tank. What might a minimum size be (planning for the future)?
Also, what is more important in a light? The wattage? Or the spectrum?


Active Member
IMHO, a bubble-tip anemone should be in no less than a 30 gallon, bigger is better. Other anemones require larger tanks though.
I think the wattage is more important, but the spectrum shouldn't be hard to cover.


hey.. glad to see you got it right... the anemone/coral host the clown.. hehehe.. amazing how many people write it the other way around.. my feather duster and ricordea host my oscellaris clowns.. luckily, the feather duster doesn't seem to be annoyed by it.. anyways, i don't think you should be too concerned with finding them an anemone/coral...


you are absolutely right.. but we were talking about corals/anemones and clown fishes.. in that context, i've never seen a clown host an anemone.. :)
that'd be a sight to see.. hehe