What can i get that will eat this


Thanks everyone
I do have a skimmer and a cascade 1000 that i just added today

I have
52 blue legged 1 zebra and about 4 red legged crabs
2 Emerald crabs
5 Nassarius Snails
5 Astraea Snails
I had a sand sifting star but returned it today after reading about how it killed beneficial organisms in LS
I'm thinking about adding some turbo snails too eventually
I run 4*54W TEK5 lighting (6500, 10 000 and 2* actinic blue)
2* aquaclear 50 power heads
It already lookes a lot better after i moved and took the tank down the rabbit chows down a lot and he is not even fully used to my tank yet

I checked my phosphates today and they are 0 but if the algae can throw that value off ?? I might just put a phossorb bag in my canister jut in case


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mabee
Thanks everyone
I do have a skimmer and a cascade 1000 that i just added today

I have
52 blue legged 1 zebra and about 4 red legged crabs
2 Emerald crabs
5 Nassarius Snails
5 Astraea Snails
I had a sand sifting star but returned it today after reading about how it killed beneficial organisms in LS
I'm thinking about adding some turbo snails too eventually
I run 4*54W TEK5 lighting (6500, 10 000 and 2* actinic blue)
2* aquaclear 50 power heads
It already lookes a lot better after i moved and took the tank down the rabbit chows down a lot and he is not even fully used to my tank yet

I checked my phosphates today and they are 0 but if the algae can throw that value off ?? I might just put a phossorb bag in my canister jut in case

From what I have heard...mexican turbo snails like colder water than what we like to keep our tanks at. Therefore not living very long. I could be wrong as I never keep them in my tanks. I have been using Astrea Snails in my tanks lately.
Previous tanks were whatever I caught on my own. And found that Deer Cowries do a great job and are very long lived. But would be driving me crazy now that I have reef tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mabee
Thanks everyone
I do have a skimmer and a cascade 1000 that i just added today

I have
52 blue legged 1 zebra and about 4 red legged crabs
2 Emerald crabs
5 Nassarius Snails
5 Astraea Snails
I had a sand sifting star but returned it today after reading about how it killed beneficial organisms in LS
I'm thinking about adding some turbo snails too eventually
I run 4*54W TEK5 lighting (6500, 10 000 and 2* actinic blue)
2* aquaclear 50 power heads
It already lookes a lot better after i moved and took the tank down the rabbit chows down a lot and he is not even fully used to my tank yet

I checked my phosphates today and they are 0 but if the algae can throw that value off ?? I might just put a phossorb bag in my canister jut in case

yes they can throw the readins off, they abosrb phosphates thats how they grow, so your reading will be low. when they die or break off the rocks the phosphates are reintroduced to your tank...