what can i put in 50 gal, wit a trigger?


It depends on the species, size, and individual temperment. Personally when I thought about triggers and the amount of waste they generate, I decided that if I put it in a tank less than 90gal. it would be a species tank. But if you are intent on more, then just get fish that are bigger than what you think it can eat. A lionfish or other large aggressive tankmate would overload the bioload


I currently have a Niger trigger and am hoping to soon upgrade my tank. My plan would then be to add a Porcupine Puffer and a Snowflake Eel.
However, Niger triggers are generally referred to as the mild mannered trigger. If you have a more aggressive species, I may think twice about tank mates.
I have talked to several people who have had good luck with Porky's and Tirggers. Porkey's are very personable and incredible fish.
Keep in mind that they are both aggressive....and verocious eaters. You will need to keep a closeeye on levels, especially nitrates. Frequent water changes will be a must.