what can i put in a 29 gallon tank


New Member
happy november everybody i plane to get a 29 gallon tank and wanted any suggestions or help icould use any ideas im a beginner to the SW world



cap'n pete

A lot of members here have 29 gallon tanks, including me. I would say for starters, how about a cleaner shrimp, a percula clown, and some soft corals. Just look around the site, you will see lots. HTH


I'm in the middle of cycling my new 29 gal. tank. Now is the best time to start researching the kinds of critters you'd like to have. I've gotten great advice from the folks here. I'm planning on adding a gold stripe maroon clownfish, a dwarf angelfish (not sure which one) and either a goby or jawfish. Then my clean up crew will come later. With the 29 gal. tank, you really can't put too many fish in without exceeding your bioload. I'd suggest looking at pics in the "fish & inverts" section here and then researching the ones you like.


I've have a 29 gal. Eclips running, it's been going for about 2 months and is perfect. I have 1 blue damse, 2 perculera(sp?) clowns, 1 scooter blennie, 4 blue leg hermits, 1 long tenticle anemonie, and I guess I have an anemonie crab I found in my live rock. I have to cycle water alot, but it's worth it. Good luck, keep up posted on what you put in it.


New Member
hey flobskey what kind of maintenance does an Eclipse tank have??????does it have a bottom filter



What do you mean matainence? It just has a blue filter pad and a bio wheel. I just change the pads after it clogs and water can't go through it. It's a good filter. (I hope that anwsered your question.):D


Gotta love those biowheel systems! I have a 6 gal. f/w eclipse and I put a biowheel on my 29 gal tank. It was f/w, but I'm converting it to s/w. My 55 gal f/w has a UG system, and I'm much happier with the biowheel system. It's da bomb... at least with f/w. We'll see how it does with s/w...


New Member
yeah,that answered my question and i will look into those biowheel things,and i will let you know how it goes





I have a 29 Gal as well. been cycling for about...hmmm 3 months now? Jsut got a few damsels swimming around to help it cycle along until i get all the LR i want in there in.
I have a question though, I saw one of you posted how you had a scooter blennie. I see them in the pet store around here alot and I really like them. are they difficult to take care of? What do they eat and live in(DSB, CC, W/ LR W/o LR)?


All i recommend is research research research. One tip is don't ever go with tangs in a 29 no matter how small. Another thing is buy the fish when they are small, its more fun that way.


Scooter blennies are awsome fish. They are very cool looking and fun to watch. They eat off your lr and ls. You can feed them mysis shrimp. They bury themselves at night. I love my scooter blennie. They are pretty easy to care for.
I don't know about pajama cardnal fish. I recoment the hifin (bangaai) cardnal fish. Very elegant fish and easy to breed. They need a little more care. But they are nice to have. any other questions?


Pajama cardinal is a cool fish. Peaceful, always up in the water column. false percs are always entertaining. Firefish are always a hit, or you could try a royal gramma. Clown gobies stay very small and are an interesting fish IMO. Obviously you wouldn't want all of these, but there are some ideas for you.


I have a 29-30 gallon long tank there is a link at the bottom with pictures of it.
I have a PJ cardinal, a fire fish , clarkii clown, and asoorted crabs and snails as well as some polyps and soft corals. there is a link at the bottom with some pictures of it.
I like the bangaii cardinals (hi-fin) as well but both are really kewl fish.
29-30 gallon tank


I read that you guys have the eclipse system. Do you have the one where the top is the filter and has lighting (the eclips 3).....Is that good for a beginer? I have heard variouse things about it. Is the light strong enough if you ony have a 30 gallon? I cant get a nice and huge tank so I was thinking about the sea clear with the eclipse on it......any info would be grrrrrreatly appreciated!:)


Ya, I have an Eclips with the filter and light. The filter and bio-wheel are awsome, the light isn't so great, it is good for fish, but not good for coral. It's hard to upgrade also. The other bad part is that it's hard to get a protien skimmer hooked on. Other than that they are awsome.


I have the eclipse 3 system. It is awesome. I upgraded the lights in it. The only thing I am having a hard time with is positioning the power heads the right way.