What can I put in this tank??


HI everyone. I am getting one of the following in wall tank and need some help and advice. I will only be putting in LR and maybe a Dory and Nemo fish (sorry, I have read alot of books on the subject, but not on the names of fish.
Anyway, do you think that I will need heavy duty filters since I am just getting a few fish? What would be the maximum fish you would put in this tank?
I would take any and all suggestions on this PLEASE!!! All of you know so much and I know I will do much better since I am asking in advance.
thanks to all!!
The 4ft wall aquarium package includes
Fish tank
Dimensions: 48" L x 6" W x 16" H
Material: 3/8" clear acrylic
Volume: 20 US gallons
Material: 1/4" clear acrylic
Removable side covers
Feeding hole
20" Strip-light
25 Watt fluorescent bulb included
Instructions and fish guide
The Wall aquarium package includes
Fish tank
Dimensions: 32"L x 4"W x 16"H
Material: 1/4" clear acrylic
Volume: 8 US gallons
Material: 1/8" clear acrylic
Removable side covers
16" Strip-light
25 Watt fluorescent bulb included
Instructions and fish guide


Active Member
Well you could not do a hippo tang (dory) in either of those tanks. He would need a tank in the range of at least 100 gallons to live and thrive.
In the 20, you may be able to do about 3 fish, and in the 8, you would be able to do one fish (maybe 2 if they were tiny).
You would need to have strong water flow no matter how many fish you did. I would also recommend you get live rock in either tank. This will help your tank thrive and keep your water parameters stable.
If it were me, I would just save up a get a much larger tank.


Active Member
Both tanks are soooo narrow I wouldn't put any fish in it. A 12" blue tang "dory" wouldn't even be able to turn around. A true perc gets around 3" and the false ocellaris gets about 4" to 5". IMO I wouldn't spend the money for it. A 4' long tank with tiny fish isn't much to look at.



I guess then I would maybe just do some fresh water fish.
I read their customer testimonials and I thought this would be great for a few fish.
I think I will go the fresh fish route then. I am so sad considering I REALLY wanted saltwater. Does anyone know of any nice fresh water fish I may consider here?
Thanks all.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well you could not do a hippo tang (dory) in either of those tanks. He would need a tank in the range of at least 100 gallons to live and thrive.
In the 20, you may be able to do about 3 fish, and in the 8, you would be able to do one fish (maybe 2 if they were tiny).
You would need to have strong water flow no matter how many fish you did. I would also recommend you get live rock in either tank. This will help your tank thrive and keep your water parameters stable.
If it were me, I would just save up a get a much larger tank.

I agree...

kilo moana

New Member
I had these fish for years. I would say they are the midpoint bet tropical and saltwater. The are exotic, endemic to only two lakes in Africa. When they were first starting to be exported from Africa(+/- 30 yrs ago), they cost as much as one would pay for a decent size "Nemo". Beautiful colors and diff variety, just watch the water's Ph and sit back and enjoy!
Hope this suggestion helps in your decision.


Thanks for the suggestion. Would they be ok for this tank? How big do they get?
I saw them at the pet store and they were really pretty.
I don't understand why they sell this in wall tank if I can't have any fish in it. I notice that in the testimonials for the tank, people LOVE them. There are pictures of several different fish too. I just don't get it.
Can I put other fish in with these?
thanks so much for the help everyone.
I would be curious to see if anyone thinks I can keep fish in this tank.
thanks again!!


Active Member
I would not try doing any cichlids in this tank either. Most African cichlids get pretty large, and require A LOT of territory. The best thing for a tank that size is probably a small school of tetras, or something similiar to that that stays small and does not need a lot of space to turn around.


Thanks for the advise. I find it so hard to believe that I cannot keep anything in here but tetras.
I mean, people have tiny fish bowls smaller than this tank and keep fish in it. Nice ones too. I am confused. What a shame since this is such a nice looking tank.
The one's they show on the in wall tank site show "nemos" in it. Three to be exact.


Active Member
I kept cichlids for several years before I recently converted to saltwater. They are mostly very aggresive and need rock work for hiding. My suggestion would be 2 clowns(nemos), some LR LS and some inverts.(snails, crabs, shrimp, etc.) You'll want these to help occupy the tank and clean it. You'll find this to be very enjoyable.