what can i put with my snowflake


i have a snowflake eel. he is around 6-8 in long. and growing like a weed!! he is all my him self in a 55 gal. what can iput with him?
would a lion be fine with him? what about a puffer?
Can i put a baby shark in there with him? i would move them to the 180 after a month or so?


Active Member
Most any fish would be fine. They feed on crustaceans in the wild. Your choice. A lion or puffer would be fine but most say don't mix the two due to nipping problems by puffers.
Do you plan on an aggressive setup or are you thinking a community setting?


You can house a lion w/ a puffer pending the puffers temperment. I have two together and they do fine.


i have a lion and a puffer in with my snowflake and they get along great. The lion is by far the boss of the tank.


what about a shark???
how do you hand feet an eal?? i sse people that say you can do this how do you do it?


Active Member
When most people feed their eel's they use a feeding stick of some sort. I purchased one at the LFS. It's just a clear peice of plastic with a point on the end. You skewer whatever your feeding to the end of the stick, and place it in front of the eel. You can also use a peice of rigid tubing, and some have even used plain skewers like the one's for making shishkabobs(sp?).
I don't think that a baby shark would be O.K. in a 55. If your planning on getting/seting up a 180, I would wait until it's up and running. Maybe splash, jim, or novice can give you more input on the shark.


right now i use a coat hanger works great!!! he always know when i move the hanger (hanging on the side of his tank) its time to eat!!!


My snowflake doesnj't hold back at feeding time. He seeks and destroys the shrimp and silversides i put in the tank. I usually "stuff" my fish before I feed my SFE. I haven't used a stick, he usually find his food pretty quickly. Plus the other fish are satisfied before I drop the "eel food" in.
Just My 2 cents:cool:
Well I dont use a stick, I simply put a piece of krill on the top of the water... When they sense the krill they start going crazy looking for the food... At that point I add a few more pieces of krill until they find them quikly... ;)
Well I think eels are pretty agresive, and puffers, lions triggers, How much more agressive u wanna get in a 55gl. check out my 90gl. aggressive info no pics yet till I get a digi cam...