What can I/Should I put in my Tank?


Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum but have had a 29 gallon tank for about 3 1/2 years. We have been very slow to add things and at this time we are very serious about working on it.
We currently have about 45lbs of Live rock, are using live sand, and have only 2 fish...a percula and a damsal. We also have 6 snails, a couple crabs, and a serpent star.
For equipment we have a Aquaclear 50 filter, a Rio2100 Powerhead, and a Coral life 50/50 65-watt and a D02? for lighting.
We would love some suggestions as to what would do well in our smaller tank and what other fish, anenomes, and inverts we should/could add. Thank you so much in advance!


How many 65w bulbs do you have? Just one? I don't think that will be enough light for any photosynthetic animals. If 2, you can fill your tank with soft coral. As for fish, you'll want to stay with smaller reef fish, Cardinals, Gobies, Royal Gramma, Sixline Wrasse to name a few.


Thanks, I have two 65-watt bulbs. When you say soft corals, what does that include? Sorry, I am new at this lingo...
Would this light support anemones?


We must have posted at the same time, I didn't see that last post, lol.
You can try an anemone, like a Bubble Tip or a Long Tentacle, 2 of the lower light demanding. But I have the same lighting you have on a standard 29 gallon and have never had success with Anemone. Click on the Coral button on the left of this page, that is some coral they have for sale on this website, and will give you an idea of what they look like. I suggest you do a lot of research or pick up a good Reef Aquarium book to help you along your way.