what can I stock with trigger?


My son has fowlr tank with a bursa trigger, and a huma huma, and a file fish, any suggestions of some colorful fish we may could add to liven the tank up a bit! maybe a red coris wrasse or some type of angel, its only a 75gal tank..any suggestions...Thanks in advance


well, a 75 is too small for a tirgger and I would look into getting a tank at least 72X24X24 witch is about 180 gallons cause tirggers need a large tank. You may want to look into some eels and I would take out the filefish. A trigger is usually a bad day for a filefish.


well the trigger is fairly small right now and the file fish is by far meaner and more aggressive than he is, as for the bigger tank it's on the way, a 280 should be done by tax return. :joy: also already have a snowflake eel, i wanted to know if you can keep a tang or any of the more "colorful" fish available...of course without them being trigger food..


i thought red coris wrasses got to 1 and a half feet? U will have ,many more stocking options when u get the 280. If it were me i would say ditch the triggers and filefish and get sharks and rays in the new tank.


you guys don't understand..this is a 4 yr old's tank and he absolutely picked out the huma huma and waited and tested the tank water "patiently" every other day, and when that nitrite test turned yellow, I've never seen such excitement in a kid to go and get "my triggerfish"!!!! I tried every way in the world to talk him out of it..To this day It is his best friend..But as far as mama is concerned something colorful would be very nice and probably go quite a ways towards that 280 if you know what I mean!!...Thanks