What can these lights support?


I don't get what PC and VHO means. Are those the standard Compact sets? Also, if you wouldn't mind emailing any websites to my email that might have some good deals. I do respect this website so I will not ask you to advertise anything on this thread. Here is my email:


Active Member
Power Compact - PC, common lighting sets that you buy in stores and online
VHO - Very High Output, usually you have to make your own canopy and mount a "retrofit" kit inside of it.
These are both kinds of fluorescent lighting.
I have VHO in the canopy I built myself, 380watts. I also run a single Metal Halide bulb for another 250watts, although I am thinking about ditching the MH in favor of 285 more watts of VHO.


Originally Posted by wax32
Power Compact - PC, common lighting sets that you buy in stores and online
VHO - Very High Output, usually you have to make your own canopy and mount a "retrofit" kit inside of it.
These are both kinds of fluorescent lighting.
I have VHO in the canopy I built myself, 380watts. I also run a single Metal Halide bulb for another 250watts, although I am thinking about ditching the MH in favor of 285 more watts of VHO.

Right now I have VHO lights right? They aren't PC. I know that for sure. But could you please email any good deals on lights. Help would be appreciated and the mushrooms would too. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I agree, I have 260w of Power Compacts on my 55 and can keep mushrooms, ricordeas, zoanthids, gorgonian, star polyps, button polyps and thats about it.
i also have 260 watts of PC on my 55, i was told you could keep some LPS, so i have a orange cap, and 2 heads of frogspawn and both are doing GREAT


Active Member
Here are what my lights look like. You can see the metal halide peeping through the hole I cut in my canopy for it in the second picture.



Active Member
250-300 dollars plus whatever it costs you to build a canopy. Mine was maybe 50 bucks in materials.


Active Member
Originally Posted by waterpolo
I don't get what PC and VHO means. Are those the standard Compact sets? Also, if you wouldn't mind emailing any websites to my email that might have some good deals. I do respect this website so I will not ask you to advertise anything on this thread. Here is my email:
you got mail


I know this thead is old but i forgot to mention that under PC's some corals look different colors than what they really are, i have a pretty meaty zoo bush that under MH's are bright green but under my PC's are brown and only green when the acntics go on at night....
I got lucky with my pc unit from a friend has 4 lights in it, 2 55w 10ks and 2 55w acntics, i recently upgraded the whole thing to 4 55w 12ks but that created an algae bloom diaster....
but try and look for Jebo they make a fairly cheap unit that looks great and has legs to hold it up over the tank, and yes softies would be your best bet, i currently have zoos, kenya trees, mushrooms, bubble corals, and sun polyps, all doing very nicely..... :happyfish


GtiGuy said:
I know this thead is old but i forgot to mention that under PC's some corals look different colors than what they really are, i have a pretty meaty zoo bush that under MH's are bright green but under my PC's are brown and only green when the acntics go on at night....
I got lucky with my pc unit from a friend has 4 lights in it, 2 55w 10ks and 2 55w acntics, i recently upgraded the whole thing to 4 55w 12ks but that created an algae bloom diaster....
but try and look for Jebo they make a fairly cheap unit that looks great and has legs to hold it up over the tank, and yes softies would be your best bet, i currently have zoos, kenya trees, mushrooms, bubble corals, and sun polyps, all doing very
I am glad you replied to this thread. I think I want new lights for sure. My mushrooms aren't doing to well under my current lights and will be giving them to my friend who has a 12 gallon nano deluxe. But when I get my new lights, I will get stuff.
Can anyone find good deals on VHO lights that can support softies.