What can this be????


We have a small lrock and I asked this question before here and i was told it was a skeleton, But now it opens up and travels,(OOPS) We bought a small piece of lr on it were to humps we thought were just rock it looks just like our rock. Anyway they started to open up, one from the top only a little slit and it's red inside. The other one opened up on the side my husband thought that since it was a skeleton he would take it off. So he pried and shoved and pried some more and it came off, so we left on the side of our tank, everyday it would be in a different place we thought the crabs were moving it. But today !!!!!!! It was actually protruding out of it's shell and when crabs or anything goes near it , it goes back in for a few seconds, and then comes back out. From what we can make out it looks like a clam shell with an additional attachment on the side. When it opens up it sticks out a long tenticle then it brings out it's body which is all white,and it travels . Does anyone have any ideas, We were thinking of popping off the other one. Since this one didn't get hurt. It had to have been there for a very long time to take the rocks shape and color, we would not have noticed them except for there opening up one day. :cool:


Active Member
Sounds like a barnacle from your description.
Is the "hump" cone shaped or very flat.
Could also be a limpet. Not sure - sounds wild.


They are flat. We were looking at them this morning and they have the mouth shape and body shape of clam shells that you buy for decorations in your tank. Can this be possible???? MY husband also thinks they might be mussells. Who knows???? I wish someone did or that i could take pics to show everyone. :cool: