what cant i put in biocube


Active Member
i have a biocube 29 with stock lighting and i want to do a reef. what corals cant i have. i want to know this because im buying everything but the corals i cant have
. i alrdy know i cant have sps and anemone


I have a 29 also with stock lighting. I know you asked about what you can't have, but here's a list of the corals I have that all do well. I have really been surprised at the growth on most of these.
Zoas and mushrooms of course
brain coral- lobophyllia sp?
Ora birdnest
Candy Cane
Yellow Star polyps


I have a little anemone and he is doing just fine. Put them up near the top and they do fine. I am surprised at how great it is doing. It eats well, it has a beautiful color, and it closes and opens with the light cycle. It is one of the harider ones, the Sebae.


Active Member
Originally Posted by chaseter
I have a little anemone and he is doing just fine. Put them up near the top and they do fine. I am surprised at how great it is doing. It eats well, it has a beautiful color, and it closes and opens with the light cycle. It is one of the harider ones, the Sebae.
i had a sebae once, it got so big i had to take it out lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by chaseter
I have a little anemone and he is doing just fine. Put them up near the top and they do fine. I am surprised at how great it is doing. It eats well, it has a beautiful color, and it closes and opens with the light cycle. It is one of the harider ones, the Sebae.
do u have stock lighting bcause i would love an anenome. how do u feed him i here some people hand feed and i wana keep him of the glas how would i do that??


Active Member
Originally Posted by john57
I have a 29 also with stock lighting. I know you asked about what you can't have, but here's a list of the corals I have that all do well. I have really been surprised at the growth on most of these.
Zoas and mushrooms of course
brain coral- lobophyllia sp?
Ora birdnest
Candy Cane
Yellow Star polyps
yellow star polyps post a pic i thought there were only gsp


Yeah, I know they get pretty big but the one I got is really small so I don't mind keeping it as it is really pretty. Plus, I plan on upgrading to a larger tank in about a year and using the tank I have now as a refugium so he will get a bigger home when I move.


Active Member
do u have stock lighting im planing on upgrading to a 180 maybe biger when i get the money how long would it take to grow if i buy a lil riteri


Originally Posted by troy989
do u have stock lighting bcause i would love an anenome. how do u feed him i here some people hand feed and i wana keep him of the glas how would i do that??
Yeah I have stock lighting. I hand feed. Anemones only usually stick to the glass if they have no sand or rock to put their foot in. The ones you see at a LFS usually have no sand or rocks to get into so that when someone buys one, they can be easily removed. I dripped acclimated my sebae and then used a plastic bag to transfer him and put him where I wanted him to be. At first, I put him in the sand but I woke up to find the little bugger at the mouth of my cave. So, I found a piece of live rock with a good, deep hole in it so that it would feel safe and attach itself there. Now, he sits at the front of my tank!
I didn't do much research on anemones before I bought my first one and that was a mistake. I bought a beautiful bubble anemone and it looked healthy at the LFS but come to find out, it wasn't. I floated him and put him in my tank, what the LFS told me to do, and it went into shock I guess and died. Plus, bubble anemones aren't very hardy. That was a mistake listening to the LFS guy instead of doing my own research. Lesson learned.
So if you get one, drip acclimate, be careful when transfering to your tank, wear a glove or plastic bag, put it near the top but not up enough so that it cannot extend fully, and lastly pick a hardier anemone like a Sebae.


According to various sites, the Ritteri anemone is very demanding so I would say no.
I am not an expert by any means so don't let me be your only advice.


From what I have read, clowns may or may not host any anemone so it is basically chance. Some anemones only host host certain clown species but it is just really chance. It may or may not happen. I would like my clown to host but if it doesn't, the anemone is still a nice addition imo.
Some bubble anemones, tube anemones like the Sebae, aiptasia are all hardy but they are still all very fragile. But, bubble anemones are brightly and beautifully colored for a reason so that they capture certain wavelengths of the light spectrum. So, under pc lights I would not suggest them.
The only thing I could think of for certain success for hosting is to get an anemone/clown pair that are already symbiotically living together. They have some deals like that at my LFS.


Originally Posted by troy989
yellow star polyps post a pic i thought there were only gsp
I don't have a good picture but try google images. You'll find alot of pictures of it. Very easy and it does spread.