what causes ich

i would like to no what causes ich because i really dont now some people say its a little parasite but i dont no if thats true. :thinking: :happyfish


changing conditions,like temp,to cold will for sure.ph.salintiy.everything will cause ick.U want you water the same everything when u change it.Ok.u r at the right place just read everything u can,and grt some books,will help alot
thanks i think my temperatur is wat is causing it how do i cure it all of my fish have died from ich and i have 1 sick now


hes dead,but talk to lfs they got some stuff for it.but u r better off trying to not to get it to begin with,most die.Good luck


Originally Posted by fishlover921
thanks i think my temperatur is wat is causing it how do i cure it all of my fish have died from ich and i have 1 sick now
I had a Ich outbreak one time, sometimes somethign as simple as a temp increase can take care of it. What I did was boost my Temp to 83 this worked in a matter of 2 days after I droped it back to 78. But I must admit it was a mild case and I caught it very early. As for what causes Ich lots of things can make it show, just about anything that puts a fish under stress can bring Ich about.
did you have fish in there because i have a yellow tang hermit crabs snails and plants if i did it while they were in there would they did or get sicker


Active Member
Ich is a parasite. If a fish has ich it needs to be quarentined. Ich goes through a cycle and the reason higher temps "get rid of ich" is because it speeds the cycle. Start feeding your fish foods that are high in nutrients. For your tang, I suggest a larger tank and seaweed strips soaked in garlic.


Active Member
the garlic can be bought from the lfs. It will normally come in a glass bottle with a dropper. You just take the sheet of seaweed and put the garlic on it. Let it soak in for a few minutes and then drop it in the tank.


Originally Posted by tacoma38
changing conditions,like temp,to cold will for sure.ph.salintiy.everything will cause ick.U want you water the same everything when u change it.Ok.u r at the right place just read everything u can,and grt some books,will help alot
I'm afraid that's not quite right . . . the conditions you mentioned will NOT CAUSE ick. What those conditions do is stress fish to the point that their immune system can't prevent the ick attacking them.
Like team2jndd said, it is a parasite and once in your tank, it will remain in your tank until every last one dies. The only sure way to rid the tank of it is to remove all fish from the tank (thus removing the host for the parasite) for around six weeks while they are undergoing hypo or the less desirable copper treatment in a seperate tank.
Also, just because your fish stops showing signs of ick does not mean it's no longer in your tank. Likewise, there's no snake-oil cure for ick such as Kick-Ick or Stop-Ick or whatever. Those only help your fish resist and shed the parasite . . . however it sinisterly remains in your tank waiting to re-appear.
Ick gets into a tank by riding in on newly introduced specimens, which is why QTs are so avidly recommended. By QTing your fish for around four weeks before it goes into your main tank, you should be able to determine if it's carrying the parasite and treat it before it gets in your tank.
Please read the pinned threads in the disease forum for more about ick than you ever want to know.
Originally Posted by team2jndd
the garlic can be bought from the lfs. It will normally come in a glass bottle with a dropper. You just take the sheet of seaweed and put the garlic on it. Let it soak in for a few minutes and then drop it in the tank.
wat is IFS sry but i dont no where that is



Originally Posted by fishlover921
wat is IFS sry but i dont no where that is
Acronym LFS . . . L
ocal F
ish S


Active Member
Primarily, the cause of ick is STRESS. It is a parasite, that healthy fish can typically keep in check. But once stressed, it can be a problem....much like we are surrounded by germs but really get ill after a stressful period.
That stress can be water quality, poor diet, too much variation in temp and other params, aggression, small tank, shipping, etc, etc, etc.
The really critical point is removing the STRESS source. Even if you took the fish, treated them, left the display without fish so the parasite died off...and put them back in, the stress would likely result in other diseases or issues or death.
In any outbreak of disease, IMO, you must address the root cause. Honestly assessing what is wrong with the tank (and very very commonly it is overstocking or overly aggressive fish) is a crucial step.
Keep in mind, too, that fish from an LFS are in a highly stressed state. They are "new" to the captive world, shipped here and there, with a new strange diet and no place to hide, and in small enclosures with fish they might not otherwise be around. If you take this and plop it right in your new tank, odds are fairly good you might have a problem, just from lingering issues alone. Then the fish is in another new system, with new fish that may not want it there, etc, etc, etc. Bam, ick.
The only true treatment to kill the parasite is copper or hyposalinity, IMO. But the parasite may merely be a symptom of a more significant issue.


Active Member
The only true treatment to kill the parasite is copper or hyposalinity, IMO. But the parasite may merely be a symptom of a more significant issue.
ding, ding