Like the title says, I am perplexed why my monticap is getting algea on it. Is it because the lights are to strong?
I have 2-36" T-5's with 8 bulbs each 39w each bulb all with their own reflectors. They are on my 125.
Originally Posted by puffer32
Yep, algae will grow on dead coral, yours is dead, or on its way out. Sorry.
That sucks. Anyway to save it? It has some pink to it.
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
if it has flesh still, try getting it as high up in your tank centered under one set of lighting with moderate high unpredictable flow.
and that too.
you donn want a constant blast of current on it but you want back and forth at minimum of moderate/high flow. the more unpredictable the current the better.