What causes Mushrooms to close?


Active Member
All my mushrooms are closed? (this was before my maroon made a mess of the tank)
I have a green one, 3 red and a hairy (they came on a rock
They've been in the tank for 2 weeks, were open all the time.
Then all of a sudden they didn't open and stayed shut..now they are just sorta half open.
I fed the hairy and it ate every day.
Water is at 53ppm ph 8.2 0 everything else..
Temp is 80...
The tank is roughly a month and a half old 54 corner bow...But I used LS from my other tank and over 100lbs of LR from my other tanks...so it's got plenty of bacteria...
Lights are PC 2 x 36" 96W (I just have to get around to install my MH I got for this tank)
They are in a non turbulent area.
I'm stumped.


Active Member
How close are they to the lights? I noticed that when I had my shrooms close to the lights, they weren't open and happy looking.


Originally Posted by sw65galma
they are at the bottom... about 6 inches off
iam having the same prolbem as you i can keep green branching digitia montipoa but NO muchrooms with in a week they get small and dont open up