what chemicals in a new tank


New Member
I was just wondering if youll thought it would be a good idea to use purple up and coral vite in new tanks. and how long to use it. the lfs recommended both of them.

sinner's girl

I wouldn't use any chemicals in a new tank.
However, if you're going to, first test your levels, then see if you even need to increase any levels. Keep an eye on ph, alk and cal when adding stuff. follow the directions on the bottle.


Active Member
There is no reason to add chemicals to a new tank. Water changes is all that will be needed for now.
Even in a mature tank coral vite will just increase your nutrient levels. IMO this is just another product made to take our money.
Instead of using purple up, I'd just keep your calcium and alkalinity levels in normal range.
As said... TEST before adding anything.


Active Member
Yep and there reallay is no need to add any to an established tank either..........only supplements is calcium type that would possibly have ot be added. Good water parameters and faithfull water changes will do more than any supplements will do.


New Member
Since I have been adding the purple up all my rocks are getting lots of coraline algae, and the coral vite seems to be helping the critters on my lr like the little feather dusters. Should I just stop adding them?


Active Member
If your parameters are good and the tank is healthy, then I don't see any reason to stop adding that stuff... but IMO it is unnecessary.
What is your alkalinity and calcium levels?? The purple up needs to be used as other additives, TEST then add.