What Clam Should I get?



Looking to get my first clam for my tank. I know there are multiple kinds of clams. What is the best first clam that is easy to car for and will have alot of color. I was thinking a squamosa clam.


I'm also interested in getting a clam. I heard the derasa are hardier than the crocea. I was told they help to reduce nitrates but shouldn't be introduced to a tank that has a nitrate problem. What nitrate level is too high to introduce a clam 10?


Active Member
Derasa are the easiest, followed by a squasmosa, then the crocea and maximas are a little bit more difficult. With your lighting your good to keep any of them, but you may be better off starting with the derasa just to get experience...plus there cheaper.


there was a nice sized and very colorful squamosa at my LFS and it was the cheapest clam they had thats y i was leaning towards that one.


Active Member
I Would Get A Dersea. That Is What I Get Once My 120 Is Set Up. I Think They Get The Biggest Of All Of The Clams Thats Why I Want One.


Where do you place a Squamosa and a Derasa in the tank if you have metal halide lighting? On the sand bed?


Active Member
i have a 10-12" squamosa ive only had it about 6 weeks and its already grown another 1/2"-3/4" of new shell!!!!
ill take a pic tomorroe but u can easily see the new white shell that has already formed
i have it under 2-250w 20k Helios HQI bulbs and another 260W of PC and it is as happy as can be....
i also have 2 croceas and this things is a monster compared to them and its grown more in the last 6 weeks then either of my croceas have done in the last 8 months
heres a pic of when i first got it


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
i have a 10-12" squamosa ive only had it about 6 weeks and its already grown another 1/2"-3/4" of new shell!!!!
ill take a pic tomorroe but u can easily see the new white shell that has already formed
i have it under 2-250w 20k Helios HQI bulbs and another 260W of PC and it is as happy as can be....
i also have 2 croceas and this things is a monster compared to them and its grown more in the last 6 weeks then either of my croceas have done in the last 8 months
heres a pic of when i first got it
would you say maybe that its "as happy as a clam?"


i think i am going to go with the squamosa....how much care goes into one of those?


Active Member
i dont do anything special for mine other than great water and lighting i think hes happy after that
they like light so try to get as much light on them as u can


well i would have 480 watts on my 38. I think that should be enough.


Active Member
yeah id venture to say thats enough lighting lol
i only have 760 over my 180 but the MH bulbs i have are great


Im going to be upgrading to a 65 soon which the 480 should still be enough. Tank is same length and height just the width is bigger