What clown's can be kept together.


I have a 55 fowlr. I am wanting to keep two or three clowns. I really like the maroon clown. I would like to have different species of clowns.


you dont want to mix clowns...can be devastating....I do have to admit that I have an ocellaris and a Clarkii that live peacefully in the same 90 G. The only reason they are ok with each other is that I had them earlier in a 30 G tank separated by a netted partition. They could see each other and stuff. After three months I took out the partition and since they were so used to each other they just swam together....but not all meetings are peaceful encounters. Be real cautious and I really dont recommend mixing. I had done this in my 90 G reef tank and it took me two hours and the removing of all rocks before I could net one of them. Just spare yourself the sweat.