what color?


I have two green brains one closed their soft tissue color is pinkish brown ?? is that right? both seem to be doing fine!


Well they are green but not compleatly the green is on about 40% of them I've never seen one all green! What I'm wondering is what color should the rest of it be?


New Member
Green brain corals are usally 85 percent green with blue and very light yellow mixed in.They don't have any other colors unless they hve been injected with color.If yours is injected,then it will only last about 5 months.But,by the way give the stats on your water quailty?What other fish,inverts,and corals do you have?How old is the tank?Where is brain coral sitting;gravel,pile of rock?Maybe this will help!


Well I don't know what they all are but ph is 8.2 and the nitrites are 0 no amonia si is 0 and phosphates are 0 I have a tang a damsil a lawnmower bleny a cleaner shrimp a cople hermet crabs and some snals will this have an effect on them?


New Member
The damsel may be picking at it and this may be why it is loseing it's color.What kind of damsel is it?It still sounds like injection to me!


the damsel is yellow? also the light is MH 55000K with 2 NO atinics both are on rocks near the serface when I first put in the closed brain it was green and white then right away within hours it turned pink!


New Member
The damsel is a banna damsel,but I don't think that is the problem.How many months old is the tank?When did you set it up?THat may be the problem.Your systems might be too young for corals.Remember,do not put corals in for at least 3 months arter your cycle.


New Member
Your light is excellent for brain corals.But you need to put them in the gravels if a current of water(powwerhead stream)is hitting them!See if that makes them better.


The tank is about 4 months and they are just out of any direct currint so you say try setting them on the bottom with some direct water flow on them?


New Member
Yes,most corals feel more comforble on the bottom of the tank with sand.And make sure a good stream of water hits it.The same thing happened in my tank with a brain coral and it helped so much!It was better the next 48 hours.But if that doesn't help,you may need to start putting "Coralife" liquid in your water to feed it.It may be deciling because it is starving.Better yet,after you turn your lights off,put a frozen cube,unthawed enough that it has very little ice on it,and stick it in the center of the coral.Then do not bother it for a couple of days.Contact me again today to tell me whats going on!


I really can't understand both brains seem to eat and what green on them is bright! well I moved the closed one down on the bottom and he is all chubbie now! I feed my tank with seachem products the complete & plus I also ad coral-vital Mark Weiss these I ad very sparingly I fight with datoms I thought were du to nutrients so I feed less my water source only has si in it but I run a sponge it works I can't even get a measurment. it's RO. I also skim it's 18"X 4" 24/7 my star and candy cane corals seem ok


New Member
like i said,do not touch them for a couple of days.everything sounds good,but i think your brain corals may be in shock from moving to one tank to another.How long have you had your brain corals?


I have had them about 4 weeks I will have to move some rocks to make room for the open brain it is about 6" when open, the closed one looks OK this morming he is closed up and it has its little pokers out and its flesh is redish under the green. I hope he likes it on the bottom ?