What coral dip to get?



like the title says what coral dip should i get now that i have found little monsters eating my coral i want to dip all the coral i have and new ones that i get. so if yall can post what dips yall use post it..


It depends on what your dipping and what your dipping for...
For me, I dip everything in Flatworm exit...
But softies get dipped in iodine or tropic marin Pro coral cure, as it helps bacterial infections.
Acros all get dipped in an interceptor for 8 hours, as it protects against red bugs.
Zoanthids all get dipped in freshwater for 30 minutes to help with Pox
what else....
Iodine will usually get unwanted critters off, but it doesn't always kill them very fast.


Originally Posted by MR.reef
like the title says what coral dip should i get now that i have found little monsters eating my coral i want to dip all the coral i have and new ones that i get. so if yall can post what dips yall use post it..

iodine works as does melafix which is good to have around.. in a pinch, and if you have tea tree oil laying aroung, add a bout 2 tbl spoons to 1/2 gallon of water. melafix is mostly tea tree oil anyway.


well most of my corals are softys and i have these things that look like sea slugs on them.


Originally Posted by MR.reef
well most of my corals are softys and i have these things that look like sea slugs on them.
google image, zoo eating nidibranch. If it's a match, I'll try to remember the best treatment I've found...


well those dont really look like what they are they are white and they are eating on my colt coral mostly i have on that is about 10in when fully open and now its maybe 3in i just pick them off...


I can tell you an awesome dip for those, but you have to be able to remove all the softies from the tank...
Since I may forget to reply later, I will tell you now, incase you wanna know.
Put all your softies in a bowl, fill w/ tank water, add recommended dose of iodine or iodine based dip, such as the pro coral cure or tech I or whatever that stuff is...
Then, and this is the part that will get rid of those critters, put clear plastic wrap such as suran wrap, on the waters surface, keeping oxygen from getting in. Leave it for about 5 hours.
It will not hurt the corals at all, but the lack of oxygen will make all of those nudi's leave the coral and try to get to fresh water.
I'll try to find a pic...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
It depends on what your dipping and what your dipping for...
For me, I dip everything in Flatworm exit...
But softies get dipped in iodine or tropic marin Pro coral cure, as it helps bacterial infections.
Acros all get dipped in an interceptor for 8 hours, as it protects against red bugs.
Zoanthids all get dipped in freshwater for 30 minutes to help with Pox
what else....
Iodine will usually get unwanted critters off, but it doesn't always kill them very fast.
i thought soft corals like leathers shouldnt be dipped
and do you have a certain brand you dip your acros in? what about for LPS like acans? and a 30 min FW dip for zoas?! i always read not to go longer than 5 minutes. do you do anything to the water first? or is it just pure ro/di water?


Originally Posted by Kevin34
i thought soft corals like leathers shouldnt be dipped%% and do you have a certain brand you dip your acros in? what about for LPS like acans? and a 30 min FW dip for zoas?! i always read not to go longer than 5 minutes. do you do anything to the water first? or is it just pure ro/di water?

Iodine based dips are made specifically for bacterial type infections, and leathers are most prone to those.
For acros, as I mentioned, interceptor, that is the brand.
My LPS's have only gotten flatworm exit.
For zoa's, I actually use my RO's wastewater as it has a higher ph. And I do nothing to that water.
5 minutes accomplishes nothing really. I get the 30 minutes from the dip treatment for pox, which is a nitrofurazone based dip with freshwater and the medication.
I have had many many zoanthid colonies that I've had to dip, with no ill effects. I set my timer for 25 minutes and give myself 5 to get to it, lol.