what coral should i get first


hey i have a 24g nano cube and i was wondering what kind of coral i should get first since i have 2 true clownfish


Active Member
start with mushrooms and zoas, they require less light and not quite so perfect of conditions to do well, they will help break you in, but stay away from ricordia for now, they are in the same family as the mushrooms, but a little more sensitive


Active Member
if your tank has only been set up for two weeks i would strongly reccomend you not to get any corals for at least another month or two...especially in a tank that small you definately want your tank to be cycled before adding corals or anemones


Active Member
you shouldn't even get anymore fish for at least a month...test your water and once all your readings are at 0 then you know that your tank is done cycling and as long as things stay stable then you can add prolly max three or four fish total including what u have now...prolly the people on this site would say in a 24g tank which i think u said u had that u should have two or three fish in it


Active Member
just get ammonia,nitrite, and nitrate those are your biggies at this point....you may also want to get a calcium test and ph just to make sure all your parameters are right before starting to add coral...believe me its addictive once you start and it also get expensive so you want to make sure everything is good to go


Active Member
i tested daily for the first two or there months until i new everything was stable and got me water change regiment down and such...now i test maybe every two or there weeks


Active Member
you can get them at any pet or lfs store...salifert kits are very good....they cost from 10-20 per test kit...and each kit has like 50-100 or more