What corals move?


Active Member
Move as in as, blow back and forth in a wave, or travel across your tank? Not coral "picks up and moves" like an anemone would, but brains and plates definitely wander around the sand.till they like the spot. All be it cm by cm...


Active Member
Frogspawn/Torches etc. definitely move in the current. Some soft corals, like kenya trees. Star polyps wave around.


Active Member
Sorry, I ment move from one place to another, instead of staying where I put them (and most likely want them


Active Member
mushrooms can move, ricordias as well. my kenya is actually moving from one rock to another one right now...


Active Member
The main grouping of coral I haven't heard of actually "moving" are stony coral. They basically lay out a skeleton and grow out, but don't technically move the way a mushroom or button polyp would. Most soft coral will move to try and get their preferred lighting and flow. Mushrooms will detach and re-attach in new locations, sometimes leaving little split pieces behind that grow into new ones.


Active Member
xenia slugs along the rocks -usually upward, shrooms go for walks and tungue coral will pace in the sand back and forth across your tank.


Active Member
What about elegent corals, and do they need specific lighting and would they be ok with compact flourescent?